haopl's Recent Forum Activity

  • On overlap ladder, set is_jumping to false

    is_jumpin is my "private" marker, it doesn't really do anything to the phisics, and also I did set it to 0 (or false)

    set your sprite vector Y to 0 when it grabs the ladder

    That's it! Thank you :-)

  • Hello, I'm looking for a solution of a problem as below:


    - The character is jumping left/right (platform, by action "simulate jump").

    - While the jump starts, i set a variable "is_jumping" = true

    - While it is true, I simulate "move left" - a way you can't change the jump direction - you just jump from point A to B, no matter what you do.

    - When it lands, the "is_umping" is set to false.

    - While the character is in the air and overlaps a "ladder", I disable the "platform behaviour" (and let the character to climb on ladder).

    - While the character is not overlapping the ladder anymore, I turn the behaviour "platform" on again (for example the character leaves the ladder to the right), but then the jump is beeing continued. So the character instead of falling down, continues the jump from the moment it started to overlap the ladder.

    Any suggestions, how to reset the jump would be super duper appreciated :-)))

    Thanx in advanced!

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  • As far as I know, unfortunately, you will have to make your own particles;

    -make a sprite 'drop', give it a "bullet" behaviour and "solid".


    - use "for" loop to create 50 objects 'water drop'

    - set angle of motion to something like "random(240, 300)"

    - set parameters such as "speed of motion = random(500,1000)", "gravity = ..." etc, to make it look the way you want.

    - On collision between "drop" and "ground" do some other actions, such as "disable bullet begaviour", change animation, etc...

  • Hi, take a look at my script;


    First you need to figure out positions of players, and get an extreme left, and extreme right position of players.

    Same with top/down.

    Left say, we have 4 players. Maybe PLAYER 3 is on the most left, that is OUR min_x value.

    Values -100 / +100 are the safe margins, so the characters are not exactly at the edge of viewport (you can remove it or change it to any other value)

    Last condition is setting a scale. As you can see, my layout is 640x360 px.

    "oczko" is an invisible eye/camera. It has the "Scroll to" behaviour.

    Don't hasitate to ask, if it's not clear enought.


  • I figured it out, maybe it will help someone:

    Since Arrows don't work in "unsupported" gamepads, you should check if X/Y-axis recognition works with your pad.

    With my pads, it works partially: it can only detects if an axis is chenged or not.

    For example:

    AXIS LEFT returns value: X: -100, Y: -3,94620574123

    AXIS RIGHT returns value: X: 100, Y: -3,94620574123

    AXIS UP returns value: X: -3,94620574123, Y: -100

    AXIS DOWN returns value: X: -3,94620574123, Y: 100

    It doesn't detect the real analog axis deflection between -100 and 100, but it's good enough.

    NOTE that the value of -3,94... is understood as NO movement in that direction (on my pads at least).

    With that, we can do something like that:

    Gamepad Gamepad 0 Left Analog X Axis < -10 : LEFT

    note, I used value of -10 not 0: this gives us detection of a LEFT button in a range between -10 to -100 (because -3,94... means no movement), so -10 gives us some safe margin.

    Hope it helped someone :)


    This behaviour will simulate "on button down".

    If you want to simulate "on button pressed" (once), you need to add a "Trigger once if true" to the event.

  • 60fps is set, because of a most common screen frequency. Most popular LCD are 60Hz, which gives you 60 "refreshes" per second.

    If you (in theory) set your game to 120 fps, it will not be displayed anyway on most of people's screens, that are 60Hz.

    So... basically... whats the point?

    Unless you make an app strictly destinated for (more specialistic) 120Hz screens.

    I don't think you could make more then 60fps with Construct 2 - in the documentation it says one "tick" is set to 1/60 sec.

  • Hi.

    I have a problem with detecting Arrows with D-pad. I see it is a common issue, but I didn't find any solution.

    In my case, arrows don't work at all (via "On Gamepad O D-pad left pressed" (and other directions)), unless I try to detect it's number with GamePad.LastButton - it gives:

    Right: 17

    Down: 16

    Left and Up don't return anything.

    Help, pretty please... ^^


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  • Thats both good ideas.

    Thank you Ashley and AllanR! :-)

  • Thank you Ashley.

    In that case, what is the method for running a loop like that, with a delay each step?

  • Hello.

    I thought this should work fine, and I tried many combinations, different iterations, but it always creates only first block. Without "wait" it creates a nice "wall" from bricks. With time delay only one.

    Thank you for any help.

  • Ref:


    Answer by: MarkD

    Exactly what I was looking for! Thank you so much :-)

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