ArcadEd's Recent Forum Activity

  • Global Variable DAMAGE

    On collision with player: Set DAMAGE to int(random(100))

       If DAMAGE > 0 and DAMAGE <= 80 then - 20 from health.

       If DAMAGE > 81 then - int(random(10,20)

    80 percent chance to get 20

    20 percent chance to get 10-19

  • Click on the object, and click on Instance Variable in the properties window.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    You can also set an instance variable while you have the family object highlighted. That instance variable is true for all objects that are part of the family. And will also show up in the image above.

  • You might want to start out going through the platformer beginner tutorial on the tutorials page. It's basics will really help out.

  • Well AI is a tough thing. The follow the player, you will want to use the Distance expression to check if the player is within a certain distance of slime, if so change the slime's actions.

  • What part of the health bubble actually animates? Does the liquid flow around, or the reflection bubble animate?

    To answer your question. Anytime in your game when the Mana goes down, set the mana frame = to the global variable (if that is how you are doing it). Think of the code moving top to bottom, so set the frame after you alter the global variable.

    Does that make sense?

  • You might need to go through the steps of building manually in Eclipse using phonegap. I don't believe there would be any restrictions then.

  • I'm not sure if this it what you are asking or not.

    Global variable StartX, EndX

    On Touch Start set touch.x to StartX

    On Touch End set touch.x to EndX

    Compare StartX and EndX

    Or is it going to be using Y coordinates as well?

    In that case, you could create a hidden sprite at Touch, then create a hidden sprite at touch end. Then check the distance using the distance expression, then destroy the two hidden sprites.

  • I shrunk the detector sprite down to 24px from 33px and it started working. I think the issue is having the detector the exact same size as the good and awesome blocks.

    Maybe play around with that?

    If that doesn't work you could use the distance expression to check how close the detector is to the center of the block when the key is pressed.

  • Added a new video course for creating an infinite flyer type game. (Jetpack joyride, blot, etc).

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • When the level ends, add time to your score variable. Is that what you mean?

  • Just finished up a new course. Check it out if you are interested in making an infinite runner/flyer game and you are a beginner to construct.

    Infinite Flyer Course

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