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  • Glad you got it.

    I am no PHP expert by any means. In fact it's been several years since I did any real PHP programming so I am glad others were able to help.

    Also weird that I never got notified that I was tagged in this post. Weird.

  • I agree with you man, 100 percent. Like I said, I have no issues with any questions if something doesn't make sense. My original post was not meant for users like you. It's meant for the people that come in here and basically just want a hand me out of how to make a certain game. If you don't want to take the time to try and understand how C2 works, then you are just going to struggle when adding to your game or when someone doesn't have answer for you.

  • Looking at the code I can't think of any reason it's not working either. I haven't played with AJAX very much, but this looks like a bug to me.

  • So, the second time through it isn't pulling the data from the intro.txt file, correct?

    Would that info change? If not, would it be possible to load that info once and store it in a global variable for use later?

    Or is this just more of a, why isn't this working?

  • Can you post up a CAPX for us to take a look at? (Save as Single File Project).

    Otherwise it's hard to tell what's going on. Have you tried using the Debugger to see if the variable is in fact not updating?

  • How about by using the bullet behavior and Touch.AngleAt

  • I don't believe there is a way to do it. Might be a cool feature though.

  • Weird, I could have swore there was a post on here I was responding too.

    Anyway, it must have been deleted, but I will post anyway :).

    No, I did not mean don't ask questions. Of course not. I spend tons of time on here answering questions because I enjoy doing it. 90 percent of my posts are being helpful, and that is how I try to inspire new users. What I am saying is many of the new users come on these forums without ever looking at the manual, or going through the tutorials. You sir, are obviously not one of those people.

    I am in no way trying to put myself on a pedestal. What I am simply trying to do is get through to people that it's much easier to get help and understand the help given if you actually understand a bit more of how Construct 2 works.

    Sorry if I came off as arrogant and all "High and Mighty." Not my intention at all, but I had a feeling some might feel that way. I apologize.

  • I wanted to take a few moments and write an article about being a newbie to Construct 2. The reason I want to do this is because I am finding more and more people on the forums that just seem to want quick answers without actually understanding Construct 2. This happens because C2 is so easy to use that people want to jump right in without realizing that making a game is more than dragging and dropping.

    Construct 2 is awesome, and it really makes creating a game so much easier than writing out a bunch of code. However, you still need to have some basic knowledge of game logic and design. Sure, C2 takes out the programming side of it, but it doesn't take out the logic.

    It?s frustrating to try and help out a new user that has obviously taken no time to try and learn anything about making games or even about Construct 2. So many of the simple questions are answered in the beginner tutorials that Scirra provides on the website. I went through countless hours of tutorials as I made my way through building my first game. I also read the manual, searched the manual, and read the manual again. I didn't post on the forums until I was really stuck or just didn't understand something after trying for hours.

    Don?t expect to learn by constantly asking for example code for every aspect of your game. You need to struggle with the concept of game logic and how the events work in Construct 2. As you push forward, you begin to understand how the game logic works and how the flow of the events works with making your game. If you have no knowledge of this, not only does it make creating a game more difficult, but it makes debugging your game even harder. What makes a good mechanic is their understanding of how a car works at its basic level. Making a game is no different. You need to understand how the system of C2 works before attempting to create and debug anything with it.

    So to all the newbie Constructors out there, please, take some time to understand the logic behind Construct 2. Read the manual, do the beginner tutorials, understand system expressions and your career in making games will be so much more rewarding.

    Don?t get me wrong, I really do enjoy helping out with answering questions on the forums the best I can. However, don?t get upset if I tell you to go look in the manual, go through a tutorial or learn Construct 2 first. I mean it with love while trying to help you to become a better game maker. If you are serious about this craft, learn, learn and then learn some more.

    Maybe posting this isn't even appropriate, I'm not sure. I can just feel the frustration of many of us that do take the time to try and help and answer questions.

  • Are you using phonegap build or xcode?

    I know in xcode you change it from within xcode, it's all the Launch images. Not sure about phonegap build.

  • You are trying to start too fast.

    First you need to figure how you want to package your HTML5 app (that construct 2 makes) for use on iOS. Are you going with CocoonJS, PhoneGap, Ejecta, etc.

    Once you determine that, you start the next part like how to get inApp purchases working with the wrapper you decide to go with.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • septeven

    I'm getting the same javascript error as above when trying to use custom text on an input dialog.

    Hopefully you can get it fixed. This plugin is nice and I'm using it for the new parent gateway apple is making devs use for apps for kids. Thanks.

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