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  • I have a script running in a repeat event. I want to access the loopindex from within the script, is this possible?


  • Thanks buddy, I'll check it out.

    I did just build URL with my api key (which I had to create through google dev) and my chatID and I'm able to pull my Chat in json. Very exciting, I'll check out your example now. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, I was making it way more complicated than it needed to be. :)

  • Newt, do you think you could give a quick example? I think I kind of follow what you mean.

    I'll do some research on using Ajax to get youtube live chat.

    Something like this?[YOUR_API_KEY]

    Need to figure out how to get my chatID and API key.

  • Several years ago I created an app in C2 that could connect to my Twitch Chat using websockets. It allowed me to do all kinds of fun things.

    Several years later, I'm looking to do the same thing with YouTube, however it doesn't use websockets. Does anyone have any, or know of any example of someone using the YouTube API in a C3 application? The resource I am most wanting to implement is LiveChatMessage.

    With the inclusion of writing and using scripts in C3, I thought this might be an easier thing to accomplish now.

    Any advice? Tutorial?

    Thanks all,


  • Yup, that's how I ended up doing it, with the remote preview.

    It was a video card issue, got it working now.

  • Where do you change the preview browser in Construct 3?

  • Ok,

    I'm not sure if I have a setting turned off somewhere or what, but I can not get particles to work at all in Construct 3. Whether I preview them or try to see them during runtime. Nothing.

    Do I have a box checked somewhere that would make this happen? Or did I just completely forget how to use particles after not using them for so long.

    I even opened up the demo particles project and they don't work in there either. The count shows the number of particles climbing, but I don't see anything.

    Is it a video driver issue maybe?

  • Damn, bro. Welcome back. I think I watched all your videos. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt="8-)" title="Cool">

    Currently, the default placement of banners is at the bottom of the screen. I also haven't found a way to place them elsewhere.

    Now that they're out of beta, I do hope they add more options soon. ... ile-advert

    Haha, thanks. Yeah, it's been a while. I haven't really done much with game dev in a while, just trying to get all my older projects updated on the app stores. All and all, loving c3 and the exporting options. Good stuff.

    Thanks for the info. I had looked over that link and did see anything, but just wanted to make sure I was not missing something obvious <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">.

  • Ad Id.

    You put the App ID in the main properties of the Mobile Advert object.

  • Is there a way to set where the banner will load? In the past, the admob plugin allowed choices like Center,Top or Bottom, Left.

    By default, where does it load on the screen?

    Or is this something that is handled in Admob now? I cant' find a way to set this in C3 Mobile Adverts.


  • I completely understand your frustration. I've been with C2 for about 4 years, always working with CJS. It's had it's ups and downs but I always stuck with it and tried to just work around issues. Cocoon.IO has come a long way and I believe is truly a more professional compiler than CJS was, which is why it's no longer free. $500 per splash screen removal may seem like a lot, but like you said, for professional products, it's not that big of a deal.

    Game Maker does not make you pay for splash removal, but has a much higher price tag up front. Which I would gladly pay as well.

    C2 is an HTML5 engine. That's it. By being that, it has the ability to run on multiple platforms as well, with some work and help of 3rd party vendors. Making games and publishing on multiple platforms has never been easier, but it's still hard work.

    Think about how often Android and iOS update their OSes as well. Getting everything working together takes work and dedication .

  • Try Construct 3

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  • They were all CJS before.

    Unity is free, but to remove their splash screen it's $1500 per platform. You also need to buy pro if your projects make over 100,000 in a year or something like that.

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