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  • In my case, all of the users and my tablet were using WiFi and not mobile network. However, I still think implementing a Turn server might help. I'm going to give it a try anyway.

    You actually can add a Turn server.

    Add ICE server

    Add a custom Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) server used by WebRTC to establish connections between peers. There are a couple of built-in public STUN servers used, but you can also provide your own TURN servers to enable connectivity through certain kinds of NAT. A username and credential can also be optionally provided if the server requires them.

    So I'll give that a shot.

  • After more testing, it seems to be an issue when my Tablet is the host. I tried with my computer as the host and everything seemed to work correctly. I'm not sure why that would be, but I'm going to do more testing and make sure that is really the case.

  • I did some messing with this tonight and it's something to do with mobile chrome maybe?


    Log in host on my tablet: Check.

    Log in as Ed on my Desktop: Check

    Log in as Ed on my Firefox Desktop: Check, but severs names me Ed2 by default.

    Log in as Ed on my Phone: Problem happens, shows peer connected but On Peer Connected does not trigger.

    Log in Ed1234 on my phone: Check works fine.

    So it seems to be an issue if the name is already taken on mobile. But it's not just the name in my game in my room because all of my users over the weekend had different names, used different aliases. For the amount of times I saw the issue, it's not based on my game or room. Is it the signaling server?

    Ashley, it would amazing to get any help on this. I'm pulling my hair out.

  • I'm running into an issue with all Mutliplayer apps I have been recently and I'm not sure what the issue is. I tested these apps with a several people over the last week with different results. Before I show the basic code, I want to quickly explain issues we had.

    I was always the host so would launch the app first. The Game Name stayed the same on every session, but was different for each app. The Room Name was always MainRoom in each app.

    I have a TextBox with that updates the peer count when a peer connects (this is important).

    On to the issue. Peers would connect (as host I would see the peer count up) but none of the On Peer Connected code would trigger.

    They would refresh, and it seems trying a different name or combination and it would usually work after some time, but not always. It was so random. Everyone was using Chrome, I made sure of it. Whether it be ipads, iphones, desktops, etc.

    I'm thinking I am not understanding something with how the Multiplayer plugin works.

    My Code: This part always completes going to layout 1.

    Layout 1

    With certain users, this was never a problem. With others, it was so hit or miss it became extremely frustrating. Is it a matter of moving off the scirra signaling server and moving to a different signaling server? Implementing an ICE server? Are there good options for ones out there on a monthly basis?

    I should also note, I know the Host Group is activating because everything else in the group works fine.

    Thanks everyone.

  • Curious if this is possible with a Plugin in C3?

    Using RTCPeerConnection and MediaStream to do live video chat.

    I'm not a JS devloper at all, but I have been working with C3/2 for many, many years and the amount of awesome stuff people put out with plugins blows my mind. Would be awesome if this was possible.



  • Ashley

    Can you let me know if this is possible? Coming soon feature? With a plugin?

    I just don't want to continue down this rabbit hole if it's not even possible. Thanks.

    It looks like streaming of video/chat uses getUserMedia() API. Is that that called somewhere in the Multiplayer or UserMedia plugins?

    webRTC Communication


  • Before I go too far down this rabbit hole, just a simple question. Is realtime video chat possible using Construct 3's audio, multiplayer and user media objects? Is it possible with several people at once, maybe like 4?

    I see several WebRTC options out there that do live video chat via WebRTC. Just not sure how easy it is to implement into Construct3.

    Or might it be easier to build a website with Google Hangout features and embed the Construct app into the page?



  • I got it, I found the fix for this by searching the forums for webassembly.

  • Another quick question, do builds from Construct 3 to xcode work in the Xcode Simulators?

    I finally got the latest xcode running and when I try to build/test on iphone simulators I just get this webpage error.

  • Excellent. I was just actually checking that tool out. Glad to know it worked..

  • OK, I'm just getting back into some app development. Several years ago I created a pretty large game called Hungry Hal and xcode was a big part of getting that on the app store. Now, several years later my Mac is old (I only used it for app builds and submissions) and my version of Xcode is 7.1. The mac won't upgrade to the latest Mac OS, which meand my xcode is stuck at 7.1


    Construct 3 and Corodava seem to compile for 12 and 13 sdk, which as far as I can tell Xcode 7.1 can not handle (9.2 max). Being a total mac newbie, what OS/Xcode do I need to be running to get Construct 3 games built? I'll probably end up using a virtual environment, just need to know what to look for.


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  • Ahh, that makes sense. Thanks Ashley

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