Do I wish C2 just had an easy to use export option? Of course. I've spent the last, almost 2 years, learning C2 and CocoonJS. With all of the headaches, I have managed to release 7 titles, all using CJS now. The latest plugin had issues at first, but they seemed to be resolved at the moment.
You can switch to other engines, but I promise you nothing is easy. You are going to need to learn, stay up on technology and continue to learn. So my advice, do a lot research and pick an engine that you are sure will work for what you want to do, then stick with it.
I've been where you are. Getting an app done, learning Eclipse/Phonegap, Xcode/Phonegap. Then learning how to install admob SDKs into eclipse and xcode. It was a nightmare. So I tried AppMobi (Now intel xdk). Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. But didn't have a way to get ads in easily. Then came cocoonJS and it worked, for the most part. I had to work around stuff, and keep trying, and trying, and trying. FIguring out not only Cocoon, but Mopub as well. But finally it all started making sense. Now you new guys have people like me, and countless others, that have been through the ringer and can help .
So what i am saying with this long winded post is this. Every engine will have a challenge, it's just a matter of you learning it and working within it's limitations . Hope that is a little helpful at least.