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  • tap,

    I'm working on a new project that has no spritefont in it. I just put it through CocoonJS and it worked perfect. However, still no luck with AppLab.

    arcaded_gmail_com.skylandmm1 is the project. Maybe you can take a look? Far as I can tell there is nothing unusual about it. I did not covert the audio over too the applab plugin events yet.

    Any idea when there will be updated applab for Android 4.1 (Jellybean)? I would like to test stuff on my Nexus 7 as well, but I can't install it.

  • Yeah, I emailed Tom about it and he fixed me up :).

  • You didn't make that with an unregistered version of C2 though, I imagine. 20 levels, only 100 events? Unlikely.

    No, I have the full version. I just never received a badge on the forums for it, for whatever reason. There was a thread about that issue a while back.

    Anyway, no I own a personal version of C2. If my game ever makes me 5k, I will be happy to upgrade to business :).

  • I didn't test much on iphone at all.

    Mine will always go to a black screen for a while, then back to the launch button in applab.

    My current issue, I get the title screen but it freezes. I can't click on play and nothing happens. My back button doesn't work. I usually have to hit the home button a few times, then manually kill the applab task.

  • Well it was throwing me off because I could still click it which made be believe it was invisible and not at the bottom of the z-order. I like your idea :)

  • tap, does this also mean that SpriteFont Plugin doesn't work with DirectCanvas on Android? Just curious if that has been tested, seemed fine on iOS.

  • Figured it out. I had to set it to MOVE TO TOP and it's there.

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  • tap Ok, I'm not sure what else to strip out. I can get to the splash, but clicking on play does nothing (On mobile, in XDK it's fine).

    My latest attempt is arcaded_gmail_com.Kaplow7   Maybe you can take a look?

  • OK, so back to my initial game. I removed all SpriteFont and I got it to start up to the title screen. From there it seems to just freeze. When I try to click my play button, nothing happens.

    Slowly but surely I am getting there :)

  • I also just got my first game approved from apple late last night and it's available on the appstore.

    This game is pretty simple so I was able to use PhoneGap with the LowLatency Plugin for phonegap. Compiled everything with Xcode so I was able to include iAds as well.

    Already my game as made more on the Apple App Store in ad views in 8 hours than the same game has on Google Play running AdMob for the last week. Just an FYI.

  • I'm pulling my hair out here a bit :). I have a global sprite on my title screen to mute sound. When the leave the layout and then come back, the sprite is invisible. It still works, I can click on it and it functions, it's just not visible.

    Is this a bug, or something I am doing wrong? The initial visibility is set to True. I've tried setting visible to true on layout start, it stays invisible.



  • OK, you are right man. I built a simple app, adding to it with each version. Tested using Test Anywhere on my Phone with applab

    1. Simple App with:

       Sprite1: Acts as a button

       Sprite2: Character, Behaviours- moveto, stay in layout

    Pressing the button causes sprite2 to move to random positions.

    Test - Passed

    2. Added a Background image, 640,960

    Test - Passed

    3. Added spritefont object, image is 4608x128

    Test Failed

    Maybe it's large images, or maybe it's spritefont. I'll do more testing to see.

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