Unless you have been living off the grid, it should have become clear to you that many tech, media and games companies are becoming, or are being forced to become, highly politicized, generally taking quite hard left stances which in turn influences company direction, selection bias, the development of restrictive terms and conditions and policy. The result is usually restriction or suspension of services for anyone who has even mildly differing views, or preferences, or who use said services to promote ideas that differ from those of the service platform owners. To add to this, as governments have, and continue to introduce laws restricting freedom of speech and expression, and are starting to police these laws online, and forcing service providers to police, and introduce policy, regarding content hosted on or created using, their services, (even extending simply to the views held by people using their services) , I can only see the issue becoming even more problematic in the future.
Construct, as an online service, whether we like it or not, is now part of this Orwellian dystopia. The Construct team have the power to ban me from logging in to use the service for whatever reason. Maybe I posted something online on some dark part of the internet that Scirra didn’t like, maybe I made a game criticising some social, political or religious movement “made with construct 3” that caused someone to be offended or was promoting ideas that Scirra don’t subscribe to. And what if the police asked Scirra Construct to turn over all data on me and ordered them to ban me from using the service?
I’m not interested in starting any political debates here, nor am I asking for any public statement from Scirra / Construct team.
It is just a personal plea from me that Scirra never get wrapped up in all this social political bull***t and always remain apolitical and unbiased in terms of who is allowed to use the Construct game dev service, no matter who they are, no matter what they have said or done, and no matter what content they use Construct to produce.