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  • Thanks for the reply! I didn't expect an answer, since this thread was so old.

    Anyway, I ended up adding multiple simultaneous conditions, so for example, if PointsToBeAdded > 1000, then add 100. if PointsToBeAdded > 10000, then add 1000 etc.

    It worked out exactly as I hoped.

  • here you go mate download i just created u the same effect. u can take a look inside i added some poorly commented events ... this is the easy and long way... there might be a more shorter ... but possible harder way...

    lerp might be useful.. but in this case... not... remember .. keep ur mind S&S... and ul find so many ways that work easy ... things dont need to be over-complicated

    I really like your example a lot. Thanks!

    Is there a way to make the score count faster without looking like it's skipping numbers? I like the way the ones place is going at light speed, but when I use multipliers, the ones place doesn't spin really fast like that.

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  • Thanks for the example, newt. You're awesome.

  • Thanks for the reply, newt. I had no idea about the clamp function. That should work nicely.

  • Does anyone have any tips on making a smooth zoom out/layout scale like the game, nanaca crash?

    The problems I'm having are:

    1) Keeping the layout stuck to the bottom.

    2) Zooming out smoothly as the player moves up.

    I think I could solve this the hard way, but I was wondering if there are some standard ways of doing this that I'm not aware of.


  • Now I've gotten everything to work: Simulate, Test, Build and even debug on my phone.

    I'm sorry I didn't take notes on what I did, but I think the key was to export as Cordova using the XKD format, and then import by clicking OPEN AN INTEL XKD PROJECT. The button is at the bottom of the UI, so I didn't notice it before. When I was getting the error, I think I was importing as HTML5 Code Base.

  • I got it to work now. This is what I did:

    When I exported the project from Construct 2, I unchecked "Use new Intel XDK project format".

    Then I imported it as an HTML project in Intel XDK and specified the root Construct 2 project folder as the location, instead of the folder that I exported to.

  • I'm having the same problem. Sorry I can't help. I just wanted to commiserate.

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Bilderberg CEO

Member since 1 May, 2016

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