alfarabi's Recent Forum Activity

  • This bug has been around for about >2 years? Hopefully they do finally fix it.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I spent hours trying to figure out this vertical platform jump issue.

    This solution worked brilliantly, thanks for the example.

  • Hello construct people,

    I am very new to construct, found it online while researching collision detection so i could start creating my first game. Making a game been something on my to do list for many many many years. Started several times then always end up running out of time or becoming way too busy. I was glad i found this program. Makes building a game actually do-able.

    Maybe I can be of some future help, since I'm a developer for boring business applications.

    Hopefully I can post my first game to the arcade in a couple months.

  • I agree the above link does not really fix the problem, its kind of mask it a bit or makes it a bit more tolerable. Was this ever reported as a bug? Maybe it should be?

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Member since 25 Jun, 2012

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