Added support for Electron 7.0+ (sandbox remote require issue)
This content is really good, I like how it covers JS integration and real-world issues (like mobile UI.)
Tested some of the DLC APIs and updated with bugfixes in 0.2.8. Note that the ACEs for GetDLCDataByIndex will only work with newer Greenworks binaries, they will likely be available on the prebuild binary site mentioned below soon.
Added Greenworks DLC APIs in However, this is untested as I do not have DLC in my game yet. See Greenworks docs for the APIs:
Report DLC issues or other issues (and there will be issues with untested code) here: so I can track them.
The other option is to make sure you have a few pixels of transparency around the edges of all sprite images.
I think this effect needs to deal w/ spritesheeting (e.g. if neigboring sprites go to the edge of their sub-image in the spritesheet). Here's a clamp fix I am trying (replicate for other lines): mediump float a0 = texture2D(samplerFront, clamp(vTex + vec2(-dx*diag, dy*diag), srcOriginStart,srcOriginEnd)).a;
I hope it's useful, others have also compiled newer versions of the greenworks lib in case you want to use a later version of nw.js or later version of Electron, see: for Electron see:
No, I don't think that 'copy' will do split screen, but I've seen a lot of discussion on split screen in the forums and it seems like folks have some good ideas, I would search there. Good luck!
You are welcome, if you do something with it, it would be great to see it, perhaps drop a link here in comments if you can.
Thanks, that's exactly what I was using for too!
How about some more nice RTFM updates? Like how to do callAction?
It works for me, but you need to use the beta version of the addon (listed above) and use the faceapiexample02.c3p example (listed above.) Try it in preview. A photo may be possible, but you would need to figure out how to get a uri that points to your photo and replace 'UserMedia.SnapshotURL' with your uri.
Added another example with face points on video. There will be lag between video and facepoints due to processing time of Tensor Flow.
Try this for the dots(you can do something similar for the box), it scales the location based on the ratio of the display Sprite and the video input:
-> System: Create object Dot on layer 0 at (JSON.Get("._x")×Sprite.Width÷(UserMedia.VideoWidth)+Sprite.X, JSON.Get("._y")×Sprite.Height÷UserMedia.VideoHeight+Sprite.Y)
Another fun thing to do (but it will _lag_) is to display dots on the live video:
-> System: Create object Dot on layer 0 at (JSON.Get("._x")×UserMedia.Width÷(UserMedia.VideoWidth)+UserMedia.X, JSON.Get("._y")×UserMedia.Height÷UserMedia.VideoHeight+UserMedia.Y)
If you still see something is not right, play with the ratio / offset: ×Sprite.Width÷UserMedia.VideoWidth+Sprite.X (I have sometimes seen mobile with 2X the expected resolution.)
If you could get a DragonBones JS runtime to render to another canvas in C3, ElementQuad could display that canvas. ElementQuad is very simple, it does not do any rendering, it integrates rendering from other sources into the C3 render/layer/blend system and some common aspects can be controlled by events.
Member since 22 Apr, 2016