Agree on the callout, his JS add-on is very useful!
Just checking for more info, in case I can fix it. Did you try the example project in preview? It will not work in preview (due to how the model files are loaded.) It has only be tested on export and hosted on a local (or web based) webserver.
Scirra, thank you for this, great development and much appreciated! I am also looking forward to a JS snippet / file repository for folks to share their C3 JS work (a Scirra JS github repo?)
NIce post, great to understand the background and motivation for doing this cool little project.
Nice work on the new functions, including the new function map, allowing for more flexibility and the bug fix for JS callFunction parameters. C3 is really on a nice roll now.
Nice update, this will really help clean up function workflow. Would also be interesting if you could attach functions to objects, making objects even more self-contained. If attached and utilized with families, can make interesting OO behavior easily: Family Geometry, objectS Square and Circle. Square.Stretch(10), increase Width and Height by 10, Circle.Stretch(10), increase radius by 10. Easy call that does it to all picked figures: Geometry.Stretch(10) and each object does the right function depending on its own function.
Done. Overall it's pretty simple, need to tweak and tune a few parameters and your original sprite (particularly where the 'feet' of your sprite are in the image and some transparent pixels below that.)
You are welcome, happy game dev!
Thanks for the update, the recent projects list issue was making me a little crazy :) Nice work on the updates and bug fixes.
Nice work, fun to play with.
Nice debug aid.
Not too surprising that overlay did not work on MacOS. Issues around MacOS Steam overlap support being discussed on Greenworks Github issues list: is one example. There are some chromium switches to try out (as JeHawk mentioned --in-process-gpu seems to help, at least for Windows OS Overlay. I will do some experimenting on MacOS. Also, at least on windows, for Overlay to work, game must be launched from Steam Launcher (register as a non-steam game.)
My example of installing necessary files from Steam SDK and steam_appid.txt to Mac application on MacOS
Special bonus: most of them also include source/project file.
Check out the recent Construct Discord Community Game Jam, a few of them are using Z Elevation.
Member since 22 Apr, 2016