Matt Vandendriessche currently residing in Chatham had license for about year now so guess should have introduced myself earlier
trying to get inspiration to stick with a game to completion.
That created gravity which I can't stop and whenever I select and move a guy he spins around in circles and gravity pulls him off the screen.
can set world gravity to 0 then gravity won't effect you
very nice
Angryfly what software is it you use?
works great
love the animations
to help with your art skills (need photoshop, illustrator, gimp or inkscape)
thread from indiegamedesign with great looking visuals
Yes that's what I meant, and so I edited the thread myself...
I feel this makes it easier to read so thank you
agree would be nice and convenient but rather see other things implemented or updated first
Don't worry, we've purchased a much bigger server which we're moving over to this week. It has a lot more ram and cpu cores, as well as an SSD. It should significantly improve site performance.
appreciate it <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />
agree on this a bookmark system unless there is one but rep restricted
this is awesome thanks so much
love them all thanks so much
what program do you use to create these in?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
jayderyu can't walk AND aim in Chrome? and Firefox?
was only player on but heart pickup didn't do anything
Member since 23 May, 2012