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  • So, been out since October of 2018, coming back to return and work on what i worked on a year ago, doesn't work, so i figured ok, try the demo projects in review, nothing loads to run, Safari gives a generic, not useful error that it just broke, and nothing runs on the iPad.

    I haven't tried windows yet, but clearly if not even the demo projects will work on the iPad or Safari on the Mac Book Pro, it is not just my project that is broke, any general suggestions? This is bizarre

    My Safari is reporting as:

    Platform information

    Browser: Safari

    Browser version: 13.0.2

    Browser engine: WebKit

    Browser architecture: (unknown)

    Context: browser

    Operating system: Mac OS X

    Operating system version: 10.13_6

    Operating system architecture: (unknown)

    Device type: desktop

    Device pixel ratio: 1

    Logical CPU cores: (unavailable, defaulting to 2)

    Approx. device memory: (unavailable)

    User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.2 Safari/605.1.15

    C3 release: r164.3 (stable)

    Language setting: en-US

    Local storage

    Storage quota (approx): (status unavailable)

    Storage usage (approx): (status unavailable)

    Persistant storage: (status unavailable)

    Browser support notes

    This list contains missing features that are not required, but could improve performance or user experience if supported.

    Rendering multiple on-screen Layout Views is slow in Safari due to bug 177132

    CSS containment is not supported. Editor performance may be significantly degraded.

    The <dialog> element is not supported. A polyfill is in use.

    The Clipboard API is not supported. Some clipboard features may be unavailable.

    Web Animations are not supported. Animations are disabled.

    WebGL 2+ is not supported. Rendering quality and features may be affected.

    ImageBitmap is not supported. Texture loading performance may be degraded.

    Idle callbacks are not supported. Background loading performance may be degraded.

    Determining input device capabilities is not supported.

    Persistent storage is not available. Local storage could be deleted by the browser.

    Storage quota estimate is unavailable.

    WebGL information

    Version string: WebGL 1.0

    Numeric version: 1

    Supports NPOT textures: partial

    Supports GPU profiling: no

    Supports highp precision: yes

    Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.

    Renderer: AMD Radeon HD 6770M OpenGL Engine

    Major performance caveat: no

    Maximum texture size: 16384

    Point size range: 1 to 2048




















    Audio information

    System sample rate: 44100 Hz

    Output channels: 0

    Output interpretation: speakers

    Supported decode formats:

    MPEG-4 AAC (audio/mp4; codecs=mp4a.40.5)

    MP3 (audio/mpeg)

    FLAC (audio/flac)

    PCM WAV (audio/wav; codecs=1)

    Supported encode formats: (encoding not supported)

    Video information

    Supported decode formats:

    H.265 (video/mp4; codecs=hev1.1.2.L93.B0)

    H.264 (video/mp4; codecs=avc1.42E01E)

    Supported encode formats: (encoding not supported)

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  • Rhino + Trust Guard


    You can copy both my privacy policy and terms of service, then just tweak them for your own needs.

    They are very complete and meet international requirements.

  • I used a generator for my privacy policy, you can see the result at:


    And for additional compliance, I have a terms of service:


    You really need both.

  • Remember, the engine runs about 60 loops a second or more, so a loop in a loop is something you use sparingly, each object is a container, so your enemy is a container, you just need to check for a local event or variable against that object, and only objects that match a condition, its overkill trying to check all in the layout, and from my experience, so far no real need of using foreach yet, all personal opinion of course

  • thanks, that was the steps i was needing and missed, i presumed that the array load would allow me to load from source being a URL to the json, i looked everywhere for this information that you graciously provided to me, sample projects like this short and sweet example really need in the docs, thanks again rhg1968

    3 very important things here that need addressed in the documentation

    1) how to structure your json data for Construct 3

    2) using ajax to capture the data in a download from a url

    3) using the array load to then move that data into the array

    and a very important 3a, when you load it in, the array is essentially overwritten, not appended to, so a LoadAppend would be nice, although impractical right now based on how it is coded

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  • No, i have switched on the developer console in chrome but nothing stands out, my logic is simple, on layout load, load from Json into array

  • Thanks, then i must be doing something really wrong, i have my array, i have it set to load from json, giving it a url of "https://www.cyborgsattack.com/files/ScriptedConversation.json" but this doesn't load anything into my array.

    i would have expected that my array.at(0) would have a number 1 in it, but it has 0 in all array elements

  • Sorry, dumb question, but i need the syntax for the JSON file that will load from the URL, all i have to go off of is:


    but this doesn't load, obviously made for C2, so what is c3 Syntax?

    I've tried to use "Load from JSON String" into my array, nothing loads, and i point at that information which is in a json file on my web server.


    (again, sorry for stupid question here, but can't find any tutorials that contain this info and the manual doesn't contain the layout either)

  • I have an idea, but i can't do any testing until i get back in town later tonight.

    My thought is this is going to require you to write your own plugin, i think this can't be done natively. I could be very wrong about that, but now that i know the source, that gives me something to look at directly.

  • instead of 40 pixels use something like 100*dt (note that is DT in lower case) I learned this early on, increase the number or decrease that number based on how fast or slow you want to move.

  • No, you have 26 events in free version, the free version is almost limitless and as a new person to the engine, it's unlikely in 26 events you can run into limitations.

    You can write an entire game in 26 events.

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Member since 1 Mar, 2016

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