Create global variable string, set its value to something
Add text object to scene
On layout load set text value to something like
"I ran across a " & Globaltext & " on the way to work."
Make sure to have spaces before and after the & signs.
Additionally, I added 2 local variables to the text object for testing, one called Name and another called Age, then I put in the following at layout load
Text.Name & " enjoys " & Globalstuff & " at age " & Text.Age
That worked too with global and local variables
Now for the arrays, either load from Json, or maybe on layout load set array elements like setxy 0,0 to value, setxy 0,1 to something then call it as Text - set text - Array.At(0,0) & " has " & Array.At(0,1)
Make sure to put the right dimensions on the array sizes on X and Y