I appreciate your answers, they will help others but the way I asked the question disregarded aspects of my specific problem because I underestimated the complexity. I think I need to be more specific now:
I am using google sheets which has text data (script for story/narration), using AJAX request to put it into a CSV plugin which acts mostly like an array.
The script in google sheets would say stuff like: ["Hey there, "& playerName &"."] where the variable playerName is stored in Construct, but to call this line, it would be [CSV.At(row,col)].
AnomalyHatchery made me understand why this approach would not work, but I am not sure how to implement an alternative method to overcome this. I need to be able to freely put variables in google sheets within the text since it would be a lot better than writing them as "set texts" inside Construct and also it would allow me to update them whenever I need to without having to re-upload the game.
I being naive, assumed that there existed a function that allowed the text inside [CSV.At(row,col)] to be processed; something like: "process(CSV.At(row,col))" which there probably isn't. But is there a way I have not seen yet to do this or is this simply impossible to do and a whole new approach is needed?
Thanks for your help