zumwaltwood's Recent Forum Activity

  • Thanks, include event sheet is what I need it looks like.

  • Ok, so I need to do some OOP in this now, I want to create a sheet that inherits from another sheet, like a base class, is this possible? I have events that would be identical to all sheets, but then events that are specific to certain sheets.

  • Woh... i think i see.. ok, i originally had "health" on each enemy, when i tried to add that to the family since i couldn't touch the variable by calling Family.health, it told me that name was already taken, so then i removed it from all my enemies, put it on the family with a value then i could find and see Family.health, then all the members got that value, so looking at it right now, i then tried to change one of the family members value of that variable, thinking it would just copy to all the other members, it didn't, it kept the new value on the family member, of that single enemy.

    Now all i had to do, once creating the family variable was to update each family member with the value i wanted on that variable, how cryptic.. thanks for pointing this out sideways, my problem was the fact i had a local instance variable of Health on every member, then added them all to the family group, and tried to access that value, but couldn't at the family level, now i can.

    Man that just solved another headache!


  • I only put the "health" on the family because there is no way to get to the "myhealth" on the family member, but that means all family members have the same "health" value, its global to the family and not independent to the family member.

    Example of what i expect to get to and can't:

    In your normal life, you have a family, that family has family members, such as mom, dad, brother, sister, each of these people have different ages, mom = 25, dad = 32, brother = 6, sister = 16, this is the local member variables to the family members age value.

    Now, when you add them all to a family unit, called WoodFamily, you can't add to mom value of age by calling WoodFamily.mom for instance, you can only get to the object of WoodFamily but you can't get to the WoodFamily members local instance variables from calling the family itself.

    If you create a family, add family members, make all the members before adding to the family have an instance value of the same name, when you use the family if you try to set or get that value, you simply can't, not by calling the family group, they have no method that i can see, that retrieves local family unit variables. And you can't create a family instance variable calling it the same as a family member instance variable, for example, trying to call by reference vs by value, i want to see this as inheritance in the engine, the family members only inherit from the family constsruct, the container can't get to the local instance variables, they are private to the family member and not available upwards.

  • I am having a slight non-understanding here, i have members of a family, those members have their own variables, but those variables can't be used when using those members via spawned from a family, not that i can see. For instance, i have 6 different enemies, all with different health amounts, but all have a local health variable, but when i use them in a family, unless i give the family a health variable, i can't do damage to them because i can't call the health of the enemy that was spawned from the family.

    So, for now, i have if "bullet" collides with family unit "enemies" then do action of subtracting X amount from health, this is only possible if i have a variable called "health" on the family unit, but there is a "myhealth" on the individual enemy.

    Now, all i know of is to get to this outside of the family unit you can reach it via

    CyborgMulti.myhealth if your seeing it as a spawned CyborgMulti, so do i have to have individual events per every enemy to state on collision of "fire" against every enemy type, to then subtract said life? I have 4 different types of ammo right now, all 4 do different types of damage amounts, I just want to use a family unit hitting family unit and based on the object fired, do x damage to said family unit object, and have that object die based on its personal life amount, this so far does not seem possible in family structures.

    What am I missing? I have totally read through all of the docs on Family structures, i use them for grouping my enemies, etc, but it seems odd i can't get to or point to local instance variables, if they all have a "damage" amount for the weapons, and a local "life" amount, why can't the local "damage" amount be used against the local "life" amount instead of the family instance variable? they simply don't seem to transverse up the tree in C3

  • Persistence pays off:


    I had to do several sub events, plus change how i was adding up the values, this works. Thanks again for the suggestions.


    See the video for results based on the image i am showing of the setup.

  • Thanks, i will keep you posted, i've tried many different iterations, apparently the system goes from 1 to N to fast, so while it does reach and surpass N, it doesn't stop the spawn event, so a simple loop with a sentinel that is while condition is true, for instance, i want 10, it burns through say, 278 spawns, so in one loop, it counts up from 1 to 7 but spawns over 200, it really isn't linear like i thought it would be.

    I've watched all of the global variables, gone through debug, kept an eye on my counters, my numbers are accurate and i am now doing the INT thing for the randoms, but the loop literally runs so fast that it both ignores the WAIT delay and it ignores the max count, it just blows through and summons a ton of enemies. Going to take a break from it and go watch a movie, i'll come back and write up another project to share that demonstrates the entire problem later tonight, but there seems to be some issue with the FOR loop and stopping where i need it to stop.

    At some point i need to setup waves of enemies with different amounts to spawn, but can't get that far until this is resolved. Thanks again

  • That didn't work, i put in a sub event inside the loop so that on every second, spawn an enemy, once that loop has finished, then the boolean should be set to true that the enemy group has finished spawning. so Wait isn't doing the trick and a sub event so far isn't doing the trick, i'll snapshot my change and post an image for what i currently have, this is only spawning 1 enemy per random.


  • I need the delay, reason being, the spawn happens, then i need a full second before it moves or half a second to 3/4 of a second because of path finding, then spawn the next, but i don't want a new group to spawn until after the last group has finished, followed up by another random delay. so I'll try adding the sub event within the loop to see if that helps, thanks for this assist.

  • Dumb question, but how often is the desktop patched? is it immediate to the most recent beta build, like right now your up to R105 for web version, so is desktop just rolled to latest? i am thinking about trying this desktop thing but if it is not always at the latest beta, it would not be worth it.

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  • I am trying to get a wait on my spawn, i have a loop that spawns a random amount of enemies, but they all spawn at once, i have a wait at the top of the loop and no matter what value i set it to, they all spawn at the same time anyway, here is an image of what my code is, any suggestions?


  • Actually i purchased C3 prior to the discount message and sent in an email to ask if i could get a refund on my purchase, never got a response, probably "lost in the email" world, but i haven't bothered to bother them about chump change refund, a $100 annual fee really isn't much, less than $10 a month and it pays them to keep building on the app, so i am not squaking about the price, honestly i think i owned C2 for over a year and never really enjoyed it, then i got C3 and i simply love it because of the mobility to use my iPad, although with some current limitations and bugs, but whatever, I got through about 75% of my game development just on my tablet, having to do the rest on my computer due to those limitations i am talking about, but what other engine on the planet offers you to program on your iPad? zip that i can see, not U3 or Unity, as examples.

    Personally, i program for a living, have for decades, started in aseembly, wrote my own compiler, used LUA to allow others to program into my stuff through scripting, wrote in Ansi C through Pascal and Fortran, up through tons of other languages, i find this stuff they did rather interesting and it is really just a hobby to make games. I can logically see every place and how this thing works in my mind as i work through issues, i just have a hell of a time relating what i am finding problems with to Ashley and her team, given up on several attempts at communicating the problem and moved on to try to find other solutions until i run into solid brick walls, then instead of posting yet another bug report on the exact same problem I've had all along, i just ask the community for input.

    For the most part, i find the community very forthcoming and very helpful.

    But to do things takes money, to expand takes money, they need to get paid, just like everyone else in the world has bills, so do they, and $100 a year for the work they are putting out, isn't asking a whole lot, consider it more of a support group than an annual subscription.

    Little bit about me here, but as far as this engine goes, i'll keep chugging at it and have fun with it, i enjoy supporting companies that really make a difference, and they do.


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Member since 1 Mar, 2016

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