Yep. I remember making this request a while ago. I would like to see this. BUT lately
I would rather see Modularity be locked into making GROUPS more advanced.
Groups can have Objects like Arrays, Sprites..... which don't appear in the Obect list. Just in the Group on the Event Sheet. I would also like Function baked into the Group. As well as expressions to make variables in a Group open or private.
Then I would love to see it all get wrapped up into a non viewable plugin. Which can be updated by Drag and Drop into other peoples projects.
So if someone used an advanve gamepad tool made by someone. They can drag and drop and now the group is in the project. With Functions and Expressions accessible as it were an Object itself.
Then if the tool was updated the other person can drag and drop to update.
This I think would work well for both OOP design and modularity.