I got my email today about the GAMESTICK BUNDLE being charged to my credit card. Anybody else getting a gamestick?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Solid floor runner demo
<img src="http://www.jenpop.com/construct2/solidrunner.png" border="0">
mysql select query
This is how i'm doing it. You just echo the result that is returned to your game in ajax.lastdata.
it should work now.
here is a demo game i did for a endless runner. Just press the space bar to jump.
Here is a simple demo game on the Ouya.
Get me a capx of the examples and i'll turn them into APK and install them on my OUYA. But I'm sure Ashley has already done this.
I'm using Phonegap/Cordova(2.3.0) and I got some games that run 40FPS and others around 15FPS, it just depends on the size of the game and plugins/behaviors used.
Ashley has a Ouya. I'm hoping that he can give ludie the information to make Cocoonjs a option for the Ouya. From what I can see it would be adding "<category android:name="ouya.intent.category.GAME"/>" in the intent-filter in the manifest. Also adding in the Java/Javascript to make the controllers work which there are examples in the ODK. Before I release my game I'm going to make a Phonegap plugin for the Ouya Controllers instead of using the arrow keys and enter.
I'm glad I could help and "thanks" is all I need, no need to share.
Its done and in the same place. Good luck.
Its done, now that i got the project directory made it take about 3 minutes to compile the APK. Same place as before.
My game won't make it in the competition because i've been stuct on some game logic until today. Its just not ready.
Member since 1 Apr, 2012