fldr The game runs fine here as well. No high CPU detected. By the way, how did you make the LOS a cross on http://fldr.de/lostest
It looks really nice. Too bad the original capx isn't available.
Hi, AnD4D! Could you or someone please explain how the sprite moves/wiggles even without running the project or even after removing the Sine behaviour? Is the lava sprite somehow animated? Thanks!
bloodshot You can do that with the "set velocity" action, select polar and the first value will be angle of motion and the second speed.
You can do that with the "set velocity" action, select polar and the first value will be angle of motion and the second speed.
Got it. Thanks R0J0! ^_^
In Custom Movement Behavior you can set:
1) Sprite.CustomMovement.Speed
2) Angle of Motion
Sprite set CustomMovement Overall Speed
Sprite set CustomMovement angle of motion
Anyone can tell me how to do the same using Chipmunk? Thanks!
Glad to hear it. Happy coding!^^
Sweet! Now trying to understand how it works. Thanks!
Played around with the capx a little bit.. I added a ground sprite with the condition if ball.Y > ground.Y-ry. But I think this is not the way to go if I want the ball to bounce off other object/obstacle/instance as well. Any tip/advice on how to make it bounce/interact with other instances or sprite objects using this method? Thanks! - bloodshot
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Goodies! Bookmarking them now. Thank you so much! b(^ 0 ^)d
EDIT: Interesting rugby ball bouncing simulation.
Add event>System>Pick Instances>Pick nth
Looks great! Thank you R0J0hound! Actually, the reason why I added custom movement + rotation was so that i could control the ball later on to go left, right or up(to bounce), since they would give me access to velocity(x,y)+rotation.speed. (thinking about a realistic rolling and bouncing ball-mario type game) I just can't stop thinking about different game ideas now. lol This is powerful! Cheers
Any ideas how to plug this formula into the football object? I reckon the radius/diameter(new word for me ) would be different each angle and each time it touches the ground. Thanks again!
Could R0J0hound or anyone please tell me how or why this ball won't stop moving after introducing a spin/horizontal speed? Thanks!
dropbox.com/s/jfj6zjzbp7oua ... .capx?dl=0
EDIT: Also found a formula at
But not sure how to translate it to c2.
Member since 3 Feb, 2016