2dchaos's Recent Forum Activity

  • Another Question , What do I do after exporting to CocoonJs

    Where do I find my game URL

    Let's Say I exported my Capx to CocoonJs it made 1 runtime file and 1 folder with all my images , What I do next , Where do I put my Zip to open it on cocoonJs ( Surely , what I do after entering the Registration Code )

    Hi, you can export your zip to your dropbox public folder, right click the file, go in dropbox > get public link and use this link into cocoonjs.

    Another alternative would be copying the .zip file to your sd card root.

  • Does the letterbox mode works for you nemo?

  • Thank you for your answer Goury

    Ashley - Could you implement audio.length as a system expression in the future?

    For example, instead of using

    On sound ends -> do something

    which is dependent on the sound actually playing to do the actions, there could be

    Event -> Play Sound

            Wait Sound.lenght seconds

            Do something

  • Sure: dl.dropbox.com/u/6813637/sounds.zip

    here are some examples files, the name of the files appear to cause the problem.

    To reproduce the bug, you must first import either ogg or acc files and then the other, when you import all them at the same time, there are no problems.

    I can�t reproduce bug 2 anymore, maybe it was something on my computer.

  • good bye!

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  • R95 bug

    Bug 1: C2 doesn?t import all the manually created ogg sounds after importing wavs and converting them to aac

    How to reproduce the bug

    • Import a non-ogg convertible wav.
    • Import ogg files with the same names.

    C2 will not import all the sounds, even if it says so in the dialog window:

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/6813637/bug01.PNG" border="0" />

    Bug 2: C2 will not exit the import sounds window if you import ogg files and then try to import non-ogg convertible wav files

    How to reproduce:?

    • Import ogg files
    • Import non-ogg convertible wav files with the same name.

    C2 will show the loading bar of the import screen as full and will not be accessible anymore. When you try to close it using the task manager it shows the save screen still.

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/6813637/bug02.PNG" border="0" />

  • My number of events will drop extremely now, thanks again for the great plugins!

  • Tested it with my old export and now tiled background and text works, very nice ;]

  • Good news: tiled backround and text now works.

  • Now with text support. ;] Didn?t test it yet.


  • Yeah, this would be a very welcome update to the sound engine.

  • Hi there, is there any expression that determines the length in seconds of a sound file?

    I was going to use On Sound Ends events, but I�ve became aware that in some systems the sounds don�t play, thus the events will not play too.

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