2dchaos's Recent Forum Activity

  • Wow, first, that was awesome. The game surelly will have more polish in the next versions, but there?s a strong concept in the game already.

    Some suggestions:

    • Make the transitions between actions smoother. I deduce you will make animations for more actions, like the starting scene where the boy is stuck in the branch.
    • More details! I loved how it doesn?t rain below the trees. Those details adds to the already great atmosphere.
    • Make the speed of both the boy and his little friend close to each other. A lot of times I would have the little friend running too fast.
    • Make them more unique in color. The silhouette is fantastic(I myself would make the eyes of the little friend smaller) but I?ve became confused some times.
    • The start puzzle is a bit confusing. I could control the little friend, but couldn?t get out of the hole. So I tought it was a bug. Then I?ve found the rope. Maybe investing the order would make this puzzle clearer.
    • Running - The first time the little alien creatures where running after me I was caught of guard. After a while it became very silly, as the creatures are kind of cute. I suggest you to use something really big and scary here, just one time, cutting the level short(remember the spider from limbo).

    Congratulations on the game, this gives me hope to pursue bigger projects inside Construct instead of Unity ;]

  • You can multiply the enemy ships movement rate by a ratio.

    So if the normal enemy ship movement is 30 * dt, when the shots collides with the enemy you can do.

    Enemy move forward 30 * dt * 0.5

    wait 5.0 seconds

    Enemy move forward 30 * dt * 1.0

  • Wow, this is awesome ;]

  • +1 ;]

  • The flash behavior could have a color option.

  • Hi, I?m having the same issue, I?ve uninstalled Construct, deleted all custom plugins and behaviors, but the error is still hapenning.

    I?m not sure how to reproduce it, I?ve just installed R98 and when I?m previewing the error dialog appears.


    Browser: Chrome 20.0.1132.47 m

    Windows 7 64x

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Damn orcs, they really killed me ;/

    Nice work, keep updating!

  • You could also use 'Play by name' and enter:

    choose("sound1", "sound2", "sound3")

    or however many sounds you have. Saves some events.

    This method works really well and is cleaner;]

  • Thanks Tom ;] The store is looking very cool.

    The title of the page is still "Buy Construct 2", maybe you should change that.

  • Hey, how can we submit our own content to the store?

  • We should really have a place in the homepage for the plugins ;o

  • Do you use any external plugin in your project?

    Facebook plugin is know to cause the FPS>1000 error.

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Member since 28 Mar, 2012

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