2dchaos's Recent Forum Activity

  • Nice plugin, any chance of using tileable background images on the next update?

  • lol, this is awesome, thank you ;]

  • Open your capx in any text editor, and search for the behaviors and plugins you have instaled in your project to be sure ;)

  • glad to help Wronghands :}

    cocoonjs is really a gift from heaven, even without tileable sprites, running my game at 30fps is awesome

  • The problem seemed to be the facebook plugin I was using, after I?ve deleted it from my preject it executed.

    However, I?m experiencing problems with the letterbox scale mode and the game is running in portrait mode instead of landscape.

    Edit: Just to say I?ve solved the bug by forcing Landscape mode inside cocoonjs launcher options.

  • Hi there, just bought Construct(yay!) and have the same problem using the cocoonjs launcher ;/

    Can somebody help me?

  • The AI is very fast here ;]

    The graphics could use some clean up, the GUI and the player?s, it?s a bit confusing right now

  • Very nice idea ;]

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  • Thanks ashley!

    I�m working on my project both at home and at work and my girlfriend is also working on it remotely.(We use dropbox to store the project folder).

    At the moment, the usual popup that alerts about the missing plugins has been enough, but in the future I fear I�ll loose track of what custom plugins/behaviors are being used(also, some of them may become dated).

    I think some form of "Store plugins/behaviors in the project folder" option could be useful, so instead of depending on the plugins locally on your Construct folder you could have them inside your own project folder, making working on teams/updating the plugins easier. ;]

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  • yeah! not have em installed and try to open the file! lol. Thats the only way I know

    hahah, so here?s a sugestion for a future version for Ashley : leave the plugins/behaviors information somewhere in the project ;D

  • Hi there! Is there any way to know which custom plugins/behaviors my project is using?

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