devaldivia's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi Chris, yes, I've seen those. The catch is that those are all for games and I'd be very interested in tutorials for apps: Dealing with List Controls, Database management, etc., the sort of stuff you need to make an app that does business logic.

  • sorry, my bad. I used webstorage interchangeably with memory.

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  • I got this from the manual, but maybe (hopefully) I'm misunderstanding? Ok, re-reading it, seems that 5 MB is the Browser limit for *WebStorage* and since graphics don't go into WebStorage, I take it they don't affect that limit.

    It's in the section "Storage per domain"

  • Thank you

    I'm trying to figure out what to use to create a Database to keep a list of cards. Each card has different values written to it for X number of different items [but maybe I will want to add more item types in the future].

    The user should be able to look up a card by UID (if the user knows it), or by sorting for all the cards that contain N of an item type- via the List Control.

    The user may also want to do a Search of these cards via TextBox, so I need to be able to search all of these cards and show to the user which Card(s) contains what they are searching for.

    Any ideas as to how an Array vs Hash Table would work differently in my case?

  • I'm new to C2 and have done some of the tutorials but am slow in "getting it." At the moment, I am stuck with deciding whether to use an Array vs Hash Table for my data and how to populate a List Control with this data.

    In a nutshell, I'd like someone to help me decide what to use [Array v Hash Table] and then make a small proof of concept on a few of the key features that I need so I can get going with it.


    A. Skype or Phone call regarding benefits of an Array vs Hash Table

    B. Proof of Concept .capx from Skype/Phone discussion

    C. Review of .capx over Skype w/screen share so I understand it

    D. Periodic trouble shooting


    Hourly, via PayPal.


    PM me if interested, we could start now :) Please include:

    1. Per hour bid

    2. Your C2 experience [with Apps in particular would be Great]

    3. Links that show you know what you're talking about :)

    ps. and yes, I've seen that there's a lively community in the forums and depth of knowledge, I'm just Impatient.

  • I've been looking for an answer in the manual, forum, and wikipedia, but I'm confused as to how all this applies to C2.

    Can anyone break down why someone should use a Hash Table vs Array?

    In particular if the number of entries is unknown at creation and you want fast searching of the contents.

    Thank you for any input!

  • klkitchens- Exactly, and it can also be used offline!

    Something I'm worried about though is that the Browser memory is apparently commonly limited to 5 MB, which is for the entire Browser and not per page.

    On my list is to learn how other C2 programmers deal with this and how much of a problem it is in rl.

  • Arima, Thank you for the tip, I've done some digging around and found this great tutorial on optimization that goes more in depth into how to save processing:

    I also read in another post that using Scale Inner is much better than Scale Outer for fps. Do you all know where I could find more optimization tips?

    For example, this is another tip I didn't know about:

    if nothing on the screen changes, C2 actually stops rendering because there's no reason to, it just leaves there previous frame there.

    I've just recently come across your Bubble Game Server, would be great if this could also be used to synchronize data for Apps :) across multiple devices.

    I'm shying away from Phonegap because I want to keep the 30% I'd have to give to the stores. In addition, it seems to me that I really can do this as a straight webapp with different layouts according to screen size, which would allow me to have the same code base for everything. Given C2's offline ability on iOS/Android I think everything is here to make it work as a WebApp.

    ... although I do wish I could find more documentation about App performance on C2.

  • Feature Requests:

    • Add Week as time unit
    • Add "Get current month NAME, ...."
    • Add ability to add days, weeks, months, years to today's date.

    I realize that it is possible to convert to milliseconds and then back to do the date calculations and to assign variables for the month names [and I'm doing this now :) ], but it would be easier on the user if these were already baked in.

    And Thank You for this Great plugin, should be added to core functions!

  • newt- Thank you for the clarification.

    jayderyu, Thank you both for your time and input. I've gotten enough faith now that I'm gonna give it a shot :)

    Excited about the possibilities, and as I read up more in the plug-ins forum it seems like there's quite a thriving developer community here!

  • Bump to

    Does anyone have the updated version of the plugin that 'boolean' did? The link he provided is broken.

  • hmm, that's an interesting point, I hadn't thought of that. Because right, C2 is constantly going through my event list....

    Well, but thinking about it, I don't think this will be a problem for my particular use case because the users will not have it running in the background, but will only be running the app when they need it, like a game would work. So the greater battery demands should be negligible. Although I can see that for other apps this would be a big problem.

    Regarding B & C, noted.

    Thank you for the feedback! I'm getting more faith that this is doable in C2, which is Really Cool :)

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Member since 9 Mar, 2012

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