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  • I'm coming over to C2 from MIT AppInventor.

    C2 looks Awesome for games, and seems to also be very capable for Apps. From what I can tell, most of what I need to make my app on C2 is here:

    However, it's very slow going learning what I need to make my app by following the current game-centric tutorials.

    It would be great if there were a tutorial track highlighting what is possible with apps. Just coming over from AppInventor, I'm sure there are Lots of people that would appreciate the power and flexibility of C2 if only the capabilities and possibilities were highlighted.

    But then again, maybe there is already an App Tutorial list or compilation that I've missed in the forums?

  • Hi all,

    my name is Bryan and I'm coming over from MIT AppInventor. I made a business app that I published to Google Play only to discover that the vast majority of my market is on iPhone!

    So I'm here to see if I can redo my app on C2.

    One problem I'm running across, is that most everything is geared towards games, although the capability does seem to exist to make apps.

    My first question is, is there a Tutorial track for Apps?

    Looking forward to embarking on C2!

    Kind Regards,


  • thanks again newt!

    Could you tell me what part would

    require third party service, and a bit of regular coding.

    and which 3rd party service?

  • Hi newt,

    thanks for the reply!

    How about if I tried to publish it only as a WebApp, would the browser engine be up to handling persistent DB and doing Fast sorting & parsing [and all of the above]?

    Seems like Contruct 2 is mostly a game engine, so I'm having trouble finding documentation on how good it is at handling this sort of stuff.

    Kind Regards,


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  • Hi all,

    I have an Android app that I made using MIT AppInventor. AppInventor is a block type programming GUI similar to Scratch.

    I've released it and have the problem that most of my market seems to have iPhones! So, I'm wondering if I can redo it with Construct 2.

    I've been poking around, and it seems that most everything I need is here or with some 3rd party plugins, but as I'm not totally sure I'd very much appreciate your thoughts so I don't invest weeks/months into this and then hit a dead end.

    My app is a client account manager for dance and yoga studios. A dance/yoga teacher can record a client visit into their phone, check if the client's card is valid and if they have a balance. The teacher's accounts are held locally in their phone and can also be synced to Google Spreadsheets.

    Far as I can tell, here are the elements that I need to recreate it:

    1. Alphabetical Sorting

    2. Touch events to record button touches and Swipes

    3. A local Persistent Database for the Phone that I can later synchronise to a server if no internet access (memory limits in Android/iOS?).

    4. Ability to clear the phone/local DB memory or their values.

    5. Ability to use Google Spreadsheets as a Server which would require GET/POST and the ability to QUICKLY parse the returned CSV data.

    6. Listpicker

    7. Notifiers

    8. Scan QR Code

    9. Clock so I can record the date and also add weeks to a date to set expiration dates.

    10. Vibrator function for the phone.

    Here's the app site:

    Here's the app on Google Play:

    Can I make this with Contruct 2? Is there anything on my list that Contruct 2 cannot do? What do you think are the most challenging items to implement in Construct 2?

    What I myself am most concerned about are:

    A. Clock add week function

    B. Ability to use Google Spreadsheets as a server

    C. Ability to QUICKLY parse data from Google Spreadsheets to synhronise with local DB.

    D. Local DB functionality

    Any tips, thoughts, links, would be Greatly appreciated!



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Member since 9 Mar, 2012

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