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  • Thanks Chris.

    Yup, I've read those, but likewise having no luck finding tutorials on the subjects.

  • Noted. Thank you anyway for the useful plugin.

  • Kyatric, I just did three complete FF uninstall/reinstalls, and this is what happened:

    I.First uninstall/reinstall

    1. I was able to use the text box 1x exactly like so:

    a. Tap the text box

    b. Type in the text box

    c. Tapped hardware Back button to remove keyboard

    d. Press project Cancel button to clear Textbox contents

    = All good

    2. I repeated the same #1 and:

    FF crashed when I tapped hardware Back butto to remove the keyboard,ie. 1.c.

    II. Second uninstall/reinstall

    3. I repeated the same as I.1. and:

    FF crashed as soon as I typed in the Textbox, ie.1.b.

    III. Third uninstall/reinstall

    4. I repeated the same as I.1. and:

    FF crashed as soon as I typed in the Textbox, ie.1.b.

    The project was exported and I ran the above when I was Not on my home WiFi network.

    Given that this is happening with two different handsets running different versions of Android, do you still think it could have anything to do with my PC or my LAN?

    Could you do me a favour and try the exported index.html project again doing the same I did in #1 & repeating the procedure 2x or 3x?

  • update: I exported the project to make sure it wasn't something to do with the preview server on my system:

    It still crashes FF 22 and still works fine in Chrome.

    Another problem though, the formatting is all different from the preview in Chrome. Here however I'm not at all sure if I did the export wrong or some such thing as this was my first time doing it.

  • Have you tried it with FF 22?

    My box is running Windows 7 64-bit, with all updates recently completed :) and preview running fine on desktop with Chrome, FF, and IE.

    With my handset running Android 4.2.2 it all works good in Chrome.

    With my handset running Android 2.3.6 it all works good with the stock browser [Chrome is not supported for this Android version].

  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Run layout over LAN.

    2. Type into Textbox

    3.A. Begin to type in Textbox

    and if that worked (sometimes does, sometimes not)

    3.B. Press the phone's Back button to remove keyboard

    Observed result:

    FF Mobile crashes.

    Expected result:

    To be able to type in Textbox and remove the keyboard when done.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: No, v26.0.1410.58

    Firefox: Yes, v 22.0

    Internet Explorer: unknown

    Operating system & service pack:

    Android 2.3.6 and Android 4.2.2

    Construct 2 version: Release 139 (64-bit)

  • Yes, please close.

    My apolgies for taking up your time. Yes indeed the problem was on my end. I removed a bunch of programs that were bloating my system, ran every update possible, and somewhere along the line something fixed it. Unfortunately, I don't know what exactly it was.

    Thanks all for your input!

  • Ohh, remember if its a new install of firefox, then install flash & java (with plugins) for the browser

    Shoot! I thought you might be right, so I updated my Flash & Java, got the confirmation page on java test site, restarted. And still no luck :(

  • no worries :)

    It happens both when I navigate to my LAN preview address or to my localhost address. I just upgraded to the Personal edition today and I noticed I didn't like the CSS so I wanted to look at it in Firebug.

    From within C2, if I change my Preview Browser to FF, FF also crashes immediately when I click the Run Layout button in the top menu.

    In fact, I wanted to make sure it had nothing to do with my project so I just tried it with both a completely empty .capx and with a .capx that only had 1 button and it crashed in FF all cases.

  • oh, and I can navigate to other pages on FF just fine.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • yes, I've tried normal FF and also Nightly. My graphic card drivers are also up to date.

    I have my default system browser as Chrome.

  • Steps to reproduce:

    1. Paste url for Contruct 2 preview

    2. Enter

    Observed result:

    Firefox shows me "Contruct 2 preview" in the tab title and immediately crashes.

    Expected result:

    Preview works perfectly fine in Chrome. This is my first time using preview in FF as I wanted to check CSS via Firebug. I don't know if this would have happened before today's release.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: no, version 28.0.1500.72 m

    Firefox: yes, version 22.0

    Internet Explorer: unknown

    Operating system & service pack: Windows 7

    Construct 2 version: Release 139 (64-bit)

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