Rex you are on the tops of my list :)
I wanted to implement language support for my upcoming project. To do so I wanted language files. en.json and you get the drift :D
As usual I try to see if I can work with C2 default Plugins. But something in my head just broke.
"{""C2Dictionary"":""true"", ""Data"":{""didnot"":""work"" }"
I just finally had enough of this. This is all sorts of WRONG for what is supposed to be a JSON string. Besides that I might have made a small syntax mistake above. Trying to fight with C2 JSON was just too much.
So I just used HASH table. And I had a stumbling block to start with. The "initial data example in the box" indicates that the "{}" should be encased with a " ". That caused C2 Error. You might want to modify the help instruction to remove them. However
Your Hash table JSON import works as JSON data shuold be stored. You sir have designed a great plugin. Though I would appreciate reducing the number of categories as most of the functions don't need there own single catagory. Tends to create a verticle scrolling list rather than a nice horizontal layout.
but fantastic. You have saved a few years of my life by reducing stress :D