DaganRead's Forum Posts

  • 5 posts
  • Hello,

    I have developed an app with HTML 5 and ECMAscript. I have wrapped my site with node-webkit.

    I have games developed with construct 2 they are embedded in an Iframe I have set the Iframe properties to match those of the games.

    The HTML looks something like:

    <div id="iframeContainer"><div id="iframeSpacer"></div></div>

    I then use createElement("iframe") assign properties and append. I need a spacer because there is a top navigation bar with CSS max-width set to 70px.

    I want to resize the games on start up and resize. The app is responsive.

    I can communicate between iframe and parent no problem.

    I achieve resize when adjusting c2canvas CSS height. However the mouse pointer is slightly off. If I then call cr_size canvas and pass iframe width and height as args, it seems to undo resize.

    Is this possible? Do I use cr_sizeCanvas? I have tried manipulating iframe, c2canvasdiv and c2canvas width and height attributes and CSS. So far no luck.

    Please help, it is withhelding me from handover. The team that developed their games do have a pro licence if needed.

    Thank you,


  • Hello,

    I tried to get an accordion into my web app and struggled to find a tut.

    Here's how to do it:

    Plugins required:


    CSS Import

    Pode HTML DIV

    Place an html div into your layout give it a name and inside place the required code. For accordion h tags and div tags.

    Create your external js file. Import into project and link it in the propeties of CallJS. In this file is where you put your code. e.g.


    Get your jquery theme, using theme roller or whatever. Import into project and link it in the properties of CSSImport.

    You can also include the jquery ui or what ever other tools you enjoy.

    Works with node webkit, havent tried mobile platforms yet.

    Hope this helps.

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  • mcnolia44


    <video width='"&WindowWidth/2&"' height='"&WindowHeight/2&"' controls preload='meta'>

         <source src='1A.webm' type='video/webm' />

         <source src='1A.ogv' type='video/ogg' />

         Video cannot be displayed. Try updating your browser.



    Theres my code that is in my pode_div. Also you need to use webM or ogg video format for it too play. Dont forget to include the files in your project folder. Hope it helps :)

    While i'm on the topic, im struggling to get the fullscreen and video scrolling controls to work. Last time I had this problem putting it in an iframe worked. This doesn't seem to fix the problem in node webkit.

    Any help would be appreciated

    Thank you

  • Hello,

    Can i have an array as a value to a key? If so how do i iterate through that array?

    Thank You.

  • Exactly what i wanted to do! Thank you!! <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • 5 posts