To make a rope wiggles, each segment need to be rotated a bit to it's neighbor counter direction.
In case you need something tied up which has natural wiggles:
Adjust the sine behavior properties to meet up your liking.
An example:
Works with both wall sides:
Well you can make them chasing one to the next:
Or put something on track to move along:
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Utilize second touch index as input within first touch index. Create line between these indexes so you get the idea to get line angle. Of course some expression need to be applied respectively.
Creating instance variable 'SelfUID' is pointless since you can refer the UID directly.
Try using 'For each' to replace 'Pick instance with UID...'
Grant an access first so other can download the file.
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You can adjust the example to your own liking. It's matter of consecutive states one after another.
My bad. Now it fixed check again the link.
+ player: health ≤ 0
+ System: Trigger once
-> Audio: Play foom_0.webm not looping at volume 0 dB (tag "died")
Member since 22 Feb, 2012