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  • Really!? no one has any suggestions? I find that hard to believe!

  • I�m trying to make an object move up, down, left or right when it�s touched depending on swipe direction but can�t make it work. Some help would be very nice.


  • Let�s say I�m making a game for android/iOS and I want the game to be able to adjust to orientation on the fly, how is this done? I�m sure most of you know about and have tested Candycrush Saga. If the player changes the grip from holding the device in portrait to landscape the game automaticaly turns 90 degrees and adjusts the layout perfectly.

    Any one done something like this before in C2?


  • hallon314

  • What can I do to make my game centered on screen?

    When I export it to the website and then test it the game is shown at the top center on the webpage.


  • Ok, think I got it. Seems it had something to do with how I used "families". Gonna have to look into that a bit further. Thanx a million for the help..

    Hmm this thread should probably been posted in "How do I.." considering how it turned out.. sorry about that

  • What you just wrote should work fine:

    SubtractHP.capx (r116)

    hmm.. now I?m more confused <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    I?ll check something be back with an update...

  • how would that work different than:

    Bullet collides with enemy:

    ----- subtract 1 from Enemy "HP"

    ----- destroy bullet

    Enemy "HP" <=0

    ----- destroy enemy

    it�s the same thing

  • Problem is that every time one of the drones is hit all of them suffers HP loss. A for each loop would make no difference

  • I have yet to successfully make a game where one of multiple instances of the same type can be destroyed.


    player shoots one of the seven attacking drones. Drone has 5HP.

    When player has hit the same drone 5 times, all drones are destroyed.

    quite a few times I have started making a game where this is needed and every time I end up scrapping the project because I can�t figure it out.

    Have been searching the forum but can�t find a explanation or tutorial detailed enough.

    Some of the projects I ended up making with other game making software where this handled automatic. But overall I prefer C2 and that�s the reason this post.


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  • I�m making a simple asteroids clone and having some problems with the screenwrap behaviour together with physics:

    ship and asteroids wont wrap while "gliding", also if I keep the movebutton("up" arrow in this case), the ship loses speed everytime it wraps.

    Anyone know how to fix this? Have tried setting friction and dampening to zero but that did not help.

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