Hi there ... Actually I'm working on something similar. I already calculated the angles(sort of) and assigned it to "directions" for some reason my object is not moving correctly tho... I'm trying to use the grid movement and I need my object to move one square in whatever direction I swipe. I'm having issues with the moving part ... some issue with how I'm implementing the angle "translation" to direction.
Probably because I'm multitasking at the moment and can't really concentrate on doing this right heheh. But at least its moving when I diagonally assign left and right now if it did it right when doing it side ways it would rock. I burrowed some of this from the "diablo like movement" sample and adapted the touch part. Any suggestions and or fixes are welcome. I hope it helps ... and if you guys have any suggestions or solutions to my issue they are welcome as well.
Swipe Tile walk Test
Just to clear it a bit.
I'm using the text to see what I'm doing also the Blue and red squares are for visual input on my part to see where my touch starts and ends.(they are not being used for anything but visual feedback)
After some hammering down on the situation i came to a possible cleaner solution. Here's my Generic Grid Walk I hope it helps for later use.