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  • There are several ways to get numbers out of Advanced Random. Here is the manual entry for it that explains everything it can do: There is also 2 examples on the C3 start page under "Advanced Examples" named "Noise textures" and "Procedural terrain generation".

    It all depends on what kind of random numbers you need. If you need to a simple random number between 2 numbers, then just use the random system expression (search for random).

    If you are looking for something more complicated then that, then the Advanced Random plugin can do 4 things.

    1) Generate organized noise (perlin noise for example)

    2) Generate a gradient (I don't many people use this)

    3) Probability table

    4) Permutation table

    A use case for organized noise is for generating landscapes or procedural textures.

    The gist of a Probability table is being able to easily do weighted probabilities. Like for loot drops, 3 items each have 30% to drop but 1 item is rare and has only 10% to drop.

    The gist of a Permutation table is being able to draw from a randomly shuffled sequence of numbers, like a deck of cards. That way the random numbers never repeat.

    Hope this helps. Sorry if you know all this already. It's kind of hard to understand exactly what you're asking.

  • OHHHHH I see what your issue is. You ARE experiencing a bug where once a form control got focus, you couldn't return focus to the canvas.

    That bug was fixed in beta r203.

    So you can either wait until the next stable release (probably 1 - 2 weeks away), or just use the latest beta release.

  • Definitely not a bug. It's not working as expected because those are button click events (indicated by the green arrow next to it). So that means they will only ever run when the button is clicked. So I would expect your keyboard controls to not work at all.

    The "Or" condition has no effect on the whole event. You're basically saying "When the button is clicked, do these action, but only if the keyboard key is up or down (which is always true).

    The solution is just to create 4 events instead of 2:

    On Left Button Clicked

    On Right Button Clicked

    On Left Arrow Key Pressed

    On Right Arrow Key Pressed

  • Im looking to seed the RNG so I can pull predictable random values when needed but the only way it looks like I can get at the values is to choose to seed the runtime and use Random?

    Are you referring to the "random" function from the system actions? If so, inside the Advanced Random plugin, there's a checkbox to replace the system random seed. So unchecking it will make the seed for advanced random and system random separate. If that is checked then both will be the same.

    Is that what you mean?

  • I think you're wasting your time by attempting that stuff in C3. I would personally just move to Unity. It has built in matrix/quaternion class that gives you everything you need for the complicated 3D math stuff. There is a ton of tutorials on how to get crisp pixel art too. It's actually super simple. A billboard is just a plane that is always rotated to face the camera (super easy in Unity), and Unity has a top of the line shader graph / vfx graph for creating visual effects.

    Or if you're interested in doing all the 3D stuff yourself from scratch, just go learn openGL:

  • Yes I think Construct could do all of that. Construct can do parallax really easily, a particle system, lots of effects like blur, distortion, vignette, blending, color adjustments, etc. Construct also has a surprisingly good audio system which has 3D positional audio, real-time filtering (low pass, high pass, etc.) and reverb.

    It really all just depends on whether you have the skill and time to complete a project like Hollow Knight.

  • That really all depends on what kind of game it is, who the audience is, and whether or not you're going to sell it for money.

    What genre is the game? Is it just for your friends/family or are you going to publish it somewhere? Is it a desktop, web, or mobile game?

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  • I 100% understand what you're talking about. The sense I get from looking at the forums is that no one is working on any "popular" games, like something you would see on Steam with more mature themes. I get a feeling most people use Construct purely just to mess around, or to make arcade-y mobile games. I'm not saying that's all there ever is, or that's even a bad thing, but that's 90% of what I see.

    I'd personally like to more games made in currently trending genres (2020) that release on Steam. Like rogue-likes (Dead Cells, Hades, etc.) or base building / economy sim / survival games (Factorio, RimWorld, etc.). But those are massive projects that take a lot of time and skill to complete so I understand why Construct users don't make them. But I'm just hoping someday in the near future to see at least one person launch a financially successful game on Steam.

  • Collisions on a tilemap happen on a per tile basis. So if your sprite is overlapping an empty space in the tilemap then nothing will happen. Make sure your sprite overlaps an actual tile, and not only that, but within the tiles collision polygon (since you can edit a tile's collision polygon).

  • I think that's dependent on which version of WebView you are running on Android. Maybe research and see if you can enable webgl2 on your webview version. You may need to update your webview or even update your Android version.

  • You should definitely not hard code dates like that. There are patterns in our calendar that are not too hard to figure out since we live it out every day. So instead you should use math to compute what dates fall on which day of the week while also taking into account leap years.

    So you should just create a UI that can display the information from your computations. So there's no need to store data (in an array for example) to figure out the calendar since it's all computations. The only data you should be storing are holidays and user entered appointments.

    A quick google brought up this website: It seems a little juvenile at first but shows you a lot of the math required to compute what you're looking for. Maybe not everything but should be a good starting point.

  • Mipmaps improve the rendering quality and performance when downscaling sprites smaller than their source image. It's a similar case to a far-away texture in 3D - it's just another way it appears resized smaller.

    Ok gotcha. Do mipmaps only get applied when an individual object is scaled down? Or do mipmaps also apply to layer scale and layout scale?

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