HotGod's Recent Forum Activity

  • The Legality issue has been mentioned here. This is an interesting point but it can be bypass by these steps:

    • Someone with the motivation can create an account
    • The account will be called "Umbrella-Duck Games" for example
    • Every C2 member who has a good game ready for the app-store will send his game to the account holder
    • After a review of the game, if it gets a quality approval, the game will be loaded onto the app-store under the UDG (Umbrella Duck Games) account
    • If this game produce income 80% will be paid to the creator, 20% to the account holder

    This is an interesting idea cause:

    1. I thought about it first

    2. I like my ideas (usually)

    3. If someone wishes to create such account than this will be an extra for him. No lose situation + A chance to make extra money and maybe cover the $99 price tag

    4. It promotes C2 which is a good thing in itself

    5. It somehow sweeten the silly $99 payment requirement. Making money out of developers who help you make money is a bad concept. Companies like Apple should be ashamed of themselves for doing so. In my mind it's just a mean to control the quality of games by removing all the poor people out of the equation

    6. We have here a live community. This idea adds the "kicking" into it

  • sqiddster: I'm missing something here. If someone has an Apple account + an access to a Mac, can't he upload a game made by a friend under his name/account?

  • Kyatric, :) I guess it's another case of my language barriers. I didn't say this situation can be achieved now. I tried to say it should be that way.

    Just imagine the current "touch" object with additional mouse related events/vars.

    If I create a game today with the touch object I can convert it to the mouse in no time - simply check the "simulate cursor". This, to me, should be expanded till there's no separation between mouse and touch objects. Just 1 expended object - Touse or Mouch, which will cover all events/vars.

    I totally agree about the multi-touch. This is a special case and as far as I recall the touch object itself doesn't deal with that. The behavior "Drag and Drop" does this well but the touch, AFAK, doesn't deal with "Touch[2]" for example.

    As I see it, people will keep creating games in the mouse environment while testing them on touch environment. In such operation it's best to develop on the "touch" object and check the mouse simulation. If the touch object will be expanded it will cover both mouse and touch games.

  • Kyatric, The Touch in its mouse-simulation can have the "cursor over" event/condition. In the tablet it won't return anything but in a mouse oriented environment it will return the mouse correct information.

    I know these two are different entities but I offered to combine them completely into one entity. This can be done!

    If this will be created it will eliminate code duplicated (Since there's a shortage of "OR"), it will make life easier for creators and it makes sense which I like.

    The finger on touch-oriented machines is almost equal to a mouse pointer on mouse oriented machines. To me it makes no sense to separate the two. 1 Touch/Mouse entity with attributes which are unique to touch machines and attributes which are unique to mouse machines is the right path to take.

    Again, this is how I see this issue.

  • Currently this market is closed for me. I have an iPad but not a Mac. I used to live in the US but now I'm working in Israel.

    So I'm actually blocked from this market. Even if I create a great game with C2 there's no way I can upload to the app Store.

    So my idea is in a sort of a question. Will C2 people offer such service in the future? If one of you has an apple account which allows you to upload apps to the app store than it would be a great idea to offer such service to the C2 community.

    As a game creator I don't mind sharing 20% (and 80% to me) for future profits. This will also serve as a great promotion tool.

    You can also add this sentence "Game should go through quality approval" so not all candidates will be approved for uploading. This will insure a high quality level.

    As I see it it's a win-win situation. If the game doesn't sell even one time no one lost any money. The annual payment which goes to Apple is the same no matter how many games you've uploaded. If the game is sold the share looks fair to both sides/"partners".

  • Do you think there's something we can do to encourage more people to add touch controls? Also I think Tom was going to add a special category for touch-enabled games.

    A separated category is a good start.

    I think the best solution would be to show little icons which will "tell" things about the game. If it's iPad friendly it will show an icon. If it's not the icon will show the icon in gray with a strike over it. The same goes for Android, etc, etc.

    As for my proposal, I guess I didn't explain well.

    In the past I saw online forms with a little keyboard icon. People who didn't have keyboard in the language they needed simply pressed this icon which popped up a virtual keyboard in JavaScript.

    My idea is in that direction. I was sure that since we're talking about an interpreter it would be easy to add 1 layer of a keyboard/mini-controller to arcade games. I guess it was a crazy idea.

    As for the "how to encourage" question, that's a good question. In the long run games which are accessible to more machines will float to the top. In the short run it's important, as I see it, to add "Does your game support touch screens?" question to the arcade upload procedure.

    The uploaded can also check check-boxes for different machines. This alone will make them think "Hey, my game only supports PC and Mac and not the iPad, Android, etc, etc."

    A special badge would also help (Something like "The Touchy Badge" :)

    Also, I don't understand why there're two objects - Mouse and Touch. If the touch can simulate the mouse why not unite these two into one object. This will allow mouse events as well as Touch events. The creator will have to know what's the difference between these two but it will cover 99% of cases without duplicated code.

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  • I gave the arcade a trial on my iPad2 but alas all games are not iPad friendly. Some run fine but without a controller all of them are useless on the iPad.

    I'm sure this is true for other mobiles, tablets, etc.

    I was thinking about this question: Is it possible to add a universal controller to all games? This can be done (If possible) on the arcade side to cover all games.

    All is needed is a left/right/up/down and space/ctrl key simulation.

    The problem with this question is that the answer can be one of these two totally different directions:

    • Are you crazy? This will take 5 years to accomplish
    • Cool idea. We'll just add this plug-in to the arcade and all games will enjoy this controller simulation

    I have the feeling the answer is the first option but just in case it's the other one I decided to raise this question.

  • I had a similar case. I solved it via the program I mention here:

    Ever since this happened I grew 4.5 gray hairs and stopped using the 1 file format.

  • I remember reading in a book "thou shall not Disable God"... :)

  • Would it be possible to change the family icon from the tooth-wheel to an icon of a family?

    Something in the line of:

    The current icon seems to indicate it's an object.

    And another small request: in the "add to" in global variables window it would be great if the default was 1 and not 0. No one (I hope so) adds "0" to their variables. Same goes with "subtract to".

    I know it's a small thing but the change itself will also take 2 seconds and small things add up to make a smoother environment.

  • and the context, but using your system pure and without index, how you'll search the problem?

    That's an easy one. The enumeration as we see today will be a toggled enumeration. You'll be able to toggle it on/off as with many text editors.

    I also added a "Goto Line/Event" field at the top of Option #3. A small blue arrow will mark the event you wish to deal with.

    Personally I love option #3 since it's clear, elegant, lacks the retina-burning purple space which occupy huge empty spaces and serve no purpose.

    People always mention CC as a reference and as something they got used to. You must keep in mind that some people are new to Scirra universe and C2 is their first encounter. As such the thing/elements/items the original CC users see as "normal" do not look like that to the new comers.

    Tradition is not (always) a good thing.

    If you show these 3 options to an outsider, he'll point out that option #3 looks far more professional than option #1. If you'll take any software and plant huge color spaces in them lots of eye-brows will raise. What's the purpose of such monotonic rectangular, they will ask.

    Well, this is how I see it. Graphic is a matter of personal taste but I'm sure that showing these 3 to a non CC original user will produce a tendency towards the les purple and more clear/neat option.

  • How about these?

    <img src="" border="0" />

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