The Legality issue has been mentioned here. This is an interesting point but it can be bypass by these steps:
- Someone with the motivation can create an account
- The account will be called "Umbrella-Duck Games" for example
- Every C2 member who has a good game ready for the app-store will send his game to the account holder
- After a review of the game, if it gets a quality approval, the game will be loaded onto the app-store under the UDG (Umbrella Duck Games) account
- If this game produce income 80% will be paid to the creator, 20% to the account holder
This is an interesting idea cause:
1. I thought about it first
2. I like my ideas (usually)
3. If someone wishes to create such account than this will be an extra for him. No lose situation + A chance to make extra money and maybe cover the $99 price tag
4. It promotes C2 which is a good thing in itself
5. It somehow sweeten the silly $99 payment requirement. Making money out of developers who help you make money is a bad concept. Companies like Apple should be ashamed of themselves for doing so. In my mind it's just a mean to control the quality of games by removing all the poor people out of the equation
6. We have here a live community. This idea adds the "kicking" into it