Well, i have a couple ob object at the top of my layout to spawn objects. These are enemies that you need to hit (touch) to kill them en friends you need to avoid hitting. Let's say i have 4 types of enemie sprites and 4 types of friend sprites.
These have all the physics behaviors so they will fall down from the top till the bottom (and then gets destroyed outside the layout)
Now i want the enemies and friends all to fall down in a certain order (like enemy 1, 3, 2, 1, 4, 2 etc).
Yes a timer is a possibility but can i let some objects fall down at different timing, like the first object falls after 2 seconds and then the next after 1 and then the next after 3 etc?
I can do it random but i want the level to be the same every time you'll open it up again.
I'll hope you'll understand what i mean.
Thanks for your time and response