Solomon's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hmm, not sure but isnt that what containters are for?

  • Families are only available in the personal or business licence and not in the free version Im afraid.

    Make a variable that checks if the note is on screen, for example:

    0 - for no, 1 for yes (or you can set up a boolean under object instance varaibles, in the left panel once you select a sprite)


    If Note_Spawned=0 ---> spawn object note at x,y (as in the post above), set variable Note_Spawned=1

    If note is not on screen ---> set Note_spawned=0

    (this is to terminate the note, and once terminated allow another note to be spawned)

  • Create object note on layer at x=random(music_bar.x + music_bar.x/2 , music_bar.x - music_bar.x/2), y=(the value that you have)

  • On start of layout ----> Reset global Variables

  • I have exported my game which is still in development stage to NWjs and it weighs ~130 mb.

    Ive got the core mechanics down, and about a dozen sprites and a background.

    In order to get a yardstick to measue by, I am curious what are the approximate sizes of complete NWjs builds done in C2, both regarding PC/Mac only games, and other exports for tablet/phone games?

    What about Html5 sizes? Do those vary much in regards to NWjs?

  • planetserve

    Good to see youre still working on this!

    Good idea on working to get down the mechanics/level base structure first and not get sidetracked on a reward system.

  • R0J0hound

    After about 15 something hours I managed to implement a collision system based on your information. For now it will do, but I will be back

    Once again my big thanks and a tip of my hat towards you.

    You are one of the few people, thanks to whom this forum is running but you already know that

    Ps. There needs to be a +rep system on this forum along with C3.

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  • zenox98

    I did transform my post into more of a request with a brief explanation as you requested.

  • The image did not attach itself to the post.

  • What I am missing in C2 is the ability to move object visually, and then set their easing in/out in a graph editor per keyframe.

    Basically keyframe the movement on screen, and set the motion bezier curve handles for the keyframes in a graph editor.

    That would be helpful in making interactive books for children for example.

    At the moment it is counter intuitive to set animations by code.

    It would be great to have that feature in C3.

  • That message usually happens when you have put the folder in the wrong location.

    This 'plugin' should be placed in the "Behaviors" folder rather than the "Plugins" folder.

    Well I just copied the SplinePath folder into my behaviours folder, and its not selectable from inside Construct 2, nor are there any messages regarding errors. Any ideas how to make it work?

    Edit: Was looking in the wrong place, all working now.

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Member since 22 Aug, 2015

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