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  • Hi!

    I'm having some trouble getting my game to run from the web.

    I uploaded some games to the portal, and they work fine from there.

    But when I upload and try to run them from my own domain, they get stuck on loading forever. By trial and error, I found ou t that the cause of the problem are the music files. When I take them out of the game, it loads fine.

    Here's the address of one of them:

    Anyone know what might be causing that?


  • Ooo, great, haven't tried that one! Thanks again, Andemig!

  • Thanks, Andemig! That was very helpful! I'll experiment with linking then, and see if it does the trick.

    Thanks again!

  • Hello!

    This may be a stupid question, but I've been banging my head on it for awhile now and can't get a solution:

    Anybody knows how I could get the absolute position of an object or an object's Image Point on canvas (you know, on the game screen, not the whole layout)?


  • TELLES0808, thanks for the response, but that is what I'm trying to avoid . :) I don't wanto to work with a lot of layouts within the same project for organization reasons.

    That's what I need! :) But it's more complicated than I thought then. That means I can't just use the button on my Main Menu to link to another URL and that's that? What would happen if I did that without an iframe?

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  • Hi there.

    I'm making a set of 4 games that are accessed through a common menu.

    Is there any way I can make each game a different project and load each project from the same main menu? Would I have to put links to the urls of each game in the menu buttons? Or is there a way to do it more integrated in the projects themselves?

    I'd like to avoid putting all 4 games in the same project because of the mess. Unless anybody has a good idea to organize a lot of layouts and event sheets within a project.


  • Woops. Yes, it seems I uploaded a leaderboardless version by accident. Silly me. Correcting it right now... And there. Should work now.

    Thanks for checking out and bringing it to my attention, cklester!

  • Thanks, Austin. Yes, I got confused by the gravatar. And yes, when I ran the game incognito did exactly what it was supposed to, so thanks again!

    Awsome tool, man! Thanks a lot and I hope to publish my games at very soon!

    And here's a WIP with a little test of the leaderboards:

    Leaderboards test

  • Hi Austin!

    I just started using Clayio and I'm loving it! I really needed a simple leaderboards solution and all of a sudden I have freakin Steam! :D

    I1m having trouble with one issue: in the "Save Leaderboard Score" action, Construct won't let me leave the "Player Name" field empty. If I leave just the "" it posts the score with my Clayio login, it doesn't ask for a player name. Am I doing something wrong?

    One other thing (a little like what gammabeam is asking, but not quite): Do leaderboards work offline? If a game is played offline will Clayio save and display locar leaderboards? I'm guessing no, if so, do you plan to add this feature?


    Woops, You just replied the first part of my question in the comments for the integration tutorial, thanks. But still, it just doesn't ask me for a player name at the time of the score posting. It automatically posts with my profle (not Clayio login, I was wrong, I think it's my Scirra profile). What am I missing?

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Member since 26 Oct, 2011

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