You have 2 Start Layout, you need one :
Start layout > Load game > AJAX Request > Wait, and then set text
Why? Because Signal "stop" code execution until a go, so all the code blocked need to be "sticked" together
Exemple code below :
You can use a signal to wait while AJAX load the file :
in Start layout, Wait for signal "AJAX done", and when AJAX is completed, Send signal "AJAX done"
Lazzy version : Wait 1 second, it should work.
You can set an array, then randomly choose an index in the array.
Array.Push value "Text1",
Array.Push value "Text2",
Text.Set( Array.At( floor(random( Array.Width ))))
Rotate your car sprite, pin the text on your car, and then bullet (or any over behavior) the car.
Thanks for the suggestion Nicolas, … 9-Patch …
Sorry my fault, I've edited, it's Tilemap and not 9-Patch… ^^
So, a Tilemap, see example :
Use a tillemap with round corner!
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i just figured out why, i just forgot to include my event sheet in the main event sheet...Sorry i sucked :D
Oh, good one!
I don't have pin behavior, i see it in a post but i don't know really what is the point of this behavior,
Like…a pin : you stick a sprite to another, but you can't move it without unpin it at first
here two screenshot with uid of selected obj, i think my UID is good right?
Yep… weird.
Check the X and Y of the moving platform before assigning them, they should not be as you think…?
Damn, it should work (see your code in my project below)
Your UID is not the good one, perhaps you permute UID from moving to collider (or vice versa)?
You have a Pin(ed) Bahavior?
The code?
-> On start of the Layout
Pick instance with UID : obj.UID
Set position X, Y
Or obj.setPoisition(X, Y)?
Tween use dt, so it's entirely scalable…
You can also use Tween for a value, and not for a move, so you can control more precisely…
May be using canvas?
You Paste Object Text at smaller size, but you scale the canvas. Result may be blurry, give it a try…
Member since 31 Jul, 2015