Two suggestion for manipulating during edittime.
1) If it's possible it would be nice to be able to launch a small (standalone) html5 browser (window) to which we can pass something and after that get back some stuff.. eg using libraries like svg-edit during edittime.. if we have this I think only the sky is the limit for what we can do in edittime.. in theory.. ;)
I've created a very simple example for launching a standalone html5-browser + svg-edit - done with a batch-script ==> all together ~7MB, perhaps it's possible to get some stuff back to C2 via cookies or something similar - QtWeb+svg-edit
2) The possibility to execute an executable-file during editime and the C2-editor loads then a created file(XML- or JSON or Textfile or ..) .
This would also open new possibilities for manipulating stuff during edittime.
very easy example to get the idea - made with CC <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle">
simpleTxt.exe (CC-cap)