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  • Thanks, I was thinking about using an Array object to do this but was wondering for some workable expression . Will give it a go.

  • So say i have these numbers : 50, 100, 40, 0, 0, 20

    I want to use min(50, 100, 40, 0, 0, 20) to get the lowest number, but i don't want it to return any of the zero values. Thus the result should be 20.

    Any ideas how i would achieve this in C2? In normal coding this is quite easy but i'm drawing a blank in C2.

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  • Just finished playing this game for about an hour. And...holy crap . I haven't been this frustrated since Hotline Miami....matter fact, the strategic precision of timing elements of this game does kinda remind me of Hotline Miami.

    I made it to the "5-second" level, which for the life of me I can't get down to shoot the yellow thing before the laser comes back on. But nonetheless, well done on this one! The minimalist art style works well with the clean aesthetics of the game. It was kinda like playing a modern Atari 2600 game, but like...much much cooler . I like the changing of the colors each time you restart a level (and i'm pretty sure i went through all the color rotations...), it keeps things different which is good for minimalist games like this. The surreal ambient sound felt good and fit well with the game too. However, i do think the sound could be just a tad higher. But thats just me.

    Gameplay wise, everything felt good and on point. It was easy to play, and someone once said that "simplicity is the ultimate sophistication". Especially when the game is polished welled. The mouse controls worked well, but i wouldn't mind seeing a gamepad control on it also. The level design was clever and each one does seem to ramp while introducing new gameplay elements. However, i would like to see the actual name of the level that I'm starting somewhere when the level loads so I can 1) know which level i'm am, and 2) what chaos I should be expecting to face within the next few seconds.

    Anyways, i really liked this game and look forward to more of it .

  • Cryptwalker - thank you, I'll send you a demo build on PM hopefully Friday you may try if you wish

    Hey that'd be great!

  • I like minimalistic art style. Looking forward to trying this out whenever a demo is available.

  • Interesting, i was just playing this game (C1 version) last week and talking to some other dev at an indie meet up about this game. Good to know that its still in development - and on the PS4!!!

    So its pretty much the route for any C2 developers looking to get their games on consoles. They'll either have to get it ported over by either another company or do it themselves by using a whole new engine that can exports to consoles. I doubt Konjak did it himself as he stated many on his blogs that he's not a developer by trade but an artist (which is what drove him to using MMF and Construct). A while back he was in talks with Nicalis for porting Iconoclast to the Wii but that never fell through, so i'm sure he's doing the same with the Bitfrostent folks for the PS4 now.

  • Not an artist here at all, but i always have an extremely hard time creating individual tiles on its own and making it "fit" with the rest of the level in the game world. Something is always off when i do it that way. But i've seen others who actually do build their tiles that way and can actually pull it off really well too.

    For me, what I would do first is make an effort first draw a complete single image of a level of some sort - nothing too fancy, just complete with everything i want to see in the game world or a particular level. Then would import it into a tile editor such as Tiled to break it up into 16x16 (or 32x32) tilemap, and then use those tiles to build out the entire level. Everything seems to fit better for me that way.

    But thats just me. I'm sure real artists have better ways of doing it.

  • I wish Radiant Silvergun was on a system I had access to. I'd been hearing how awesome that game was for years, but never played it. (I did play Ikaruga, didn't enjoy that much).

    Well if you're willing to spend close to $200, you can pick it up on eBay fairly easily for the Sega Saturn. Or...if you have still have an Xbox 360 laying around that hasn't RROD yet then you can get it off of Xbox Live for $15. The other option is to just download the actual arcade rom for MAME, which its fully playable.

  • XDK,cordova,etc..... are no solutions, and never going to be.

    Those are solutions. Just not great ones. But it'll suffice (for now).

    [quote:2obc08j5]We want see a game in PS4 made with Construct and we want see a succesfully game for ios/android, ...

    You can actually can....kinda. From my testings so far, the PS4's browser appears to be the most capable for somewhat playing C2 games - better than the Wii U, XBone didn't even load. But of course, thats not any viable solution either. It has to be native - or something very close to it. And i doubt C3 will have it since it'll still be an HTML5 based engine.

    Folks need to start accepting the fact that unless Sony or Microsoft (and even Nintendo) opens their consoles to supporting HTML5 games (which they won't fully do), we will never see it happen the way we want it to. Current gen consoles have closed SDKs which are also under NDA so unless you can be approve to get yourself a dev kit, its not easy to get games running on those like the previous console gen. Companies that have engines like Unity, Yoyo Game's GameMaker, Crytek CryEngine, and Epic's Unreal have some sort of subsidy agreement which allow their users to publish to consoles - and thats only if the users are already approved by the console companies already.

    So yeah, it won't be simple. Just make the games. Get it done, get it good. Get it popular. Then you can talk to these guys like Auriel did with The Next Penelope. Or you can even chat up these guys too.

    And of course, there's also MonoGame if you want to go that painful route. But its free though!

  • Could be a file permission issue. When copying from Windows to Mac, the permissions are lost in the transfer. Its kinda tricky to get it working for those who don't own Macs. I work off of Windows 8s VM from a Mac so its fine for me, but others have had issues also.

    See more about it here : Exporting Desktop Apps with NW.js

  • I like the retro graphics. When done well, it always looks awesome.

    The main character kinda reminds me of this guy tho :

  • Great game, and art style too! I like the whole mercy concept .

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