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  • [quote:x924j852]A lot is riding on this game (quit work, gamedev full-time),

    Wow...that takes balls though. As much as i would like to do that...just can't do right now.

  • Definitely speed increase on the Mac side. Even when running this on Windows 8.1 VM got a large increase in performance.

  • Well, wouldn't hurt to have it implemented as another option along with NW.js. But if NW.js really is ramping up for a pretty big update then things could get interesting soon too.

  • This is interesting. So what are the pros/cons for Electron as oppose to NW.jS (that we know of) ?

  • Heh, ironically i'm actually thinking of trying out Stencyl again when I found out that its now built on the HaxeFlixel framework (last time i checked a couple years ago it was still on Flash). That there is enough to get my attention. However, i'm not sure the development workflow is any better than it was before.

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  • MacBook Pro Retina 13in (mid 2014) 16gb ram

    running Windows 8.1 VM

    Yep, works just fine too.

  • paradine

    NW.js is (sadly) notoriously slow on OSX. This is an issue with NW.js, not C2 though. I didn't have all the Android devices with me right now to run the Benchmark test, but I did have some iOS devices which I tested through it's browsers. I should probably get an Apple Developers account one day to try this stuff out...

    Chrome (HTML5)

    Score : 7735

    Avg FPS : 56.25

    Avg CPU : 49.72%

    Windows 8 (VM) running on MacBook Pro Retina (i-5 2014) NW.js

    Score : 7044

    Avg FPS : 53.25

    Avg CPU : 56.79%

    MacBook Pro Retina (i-5 2014) NW.js

    Score : 5966

    Avg FPS : 42.75

    Avg CPU : 59.07%

    Nexus 7 (2013) (Android 5.1.1)

    Score : 4858

    Avg FPS : 24

    Avg CPU : 86.62%

    iPad Air 2 (2014) (iOS 9.0.2) through Chrome as it crashed on Safari

    Score : 4791

    Avg FPS : 19.5

    Avg CPU : 93.13%

    iPhone 6s (2015) (iOS 9.0.2) through Dophin Browser

    Score : 5440

    Avg FPS : 30.2

    Avg CPU : 89.7%

  • Woah!!!! Looking forward to this !!!

  • paradine and Ashley

    From my recent tests :

    Chrome (HTML5) - 71fps

    Windows 8 (VM) running on MacBook Pro Retina (i-5 2014) NW.js - 60fps

    MacBook Pro Retina (i-5 2014) NW.js - 42fps

    Nexus 7 (2013) (Android 5.1.1) Crosswalk XDK - 60fps

    Samsung Galaxy S4 (2013) (Android 5.0.1) Crosswalk XDK - 57-60fps

    Samsung Note 4 (2014) (Android 5.0.1) Crosswalk XDK - 60fps

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  • This is all still going on??

  • WTF??? I spent nearly 2 headache-proned weeks to build a camera system exactly like this for the project i'm working on. Only to discover that a nice plugin for it already exists. This should be part of C2's default installs....

    *............long sigh*

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