mrheller's Recent Forum Activity

  • Thank you digera. That is what I needed.

  • I am making a car game. I would like to have it so when the car hits a retaining wsll the car stops moving, The car has the 8 direction behavior.

    Any guidance is appreciated.

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  • Thank you lionz. That worked perfectly

  • Hello

    I am making a click style game where I have an object being created at the bottom of the screen and moves towards the top of the screen. I would like to have the object shrink in size as it moves to top of the screen to give the illusion of it moving farther away from the player.

    I am thinking I will use the set scale action on a Created Event but am not able to get it to gradually reduce in scale.

    Any help is greatly appreciated

  • THank you Newt.

    THat did exactly what I wanted.

  • Hello

    I am making a shooting game where ducks "fly" across the screen. I have given the object the bullet behavior. I would like the speed to be within a range such as 75 to 200.

    Is there a way to do this?

    Thank you for any assistance.


  • Hello

    I am making a game where I have objects appear randomly on the screen and the player has to click on them (think Whack a Mole)

    Is there a way that I can have the object that appears be chosen randomly from a group of three objects?

    I am thinking I would do this on the create object by name action but not sure how to program it.

    Thanks for any guidance.


  • Thank you for the suggestion. It worked exactly how I wanted it to.

  • Hello all

    I have a game with the player having a number of lives. I can display the lives as a text but would like to display the number of lives with images. If the player has three lives then three hearts are displayed, two lives displays two hearts , and 1 life displays 1 heart.

    Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

  • Hello

    I want to have an object created somewhere between 3 and 7 seconds. After the object is made I would like to have the cycle of a new object being made somewhere between 3 and 7 seconds.

    I am thinking I use the "Every X seconds" under the system object but what would I put in the Interval amount?

    Thank you in advance for any assistance.

  • Where/How do you access this curriculum?

  • Thank you both-

    I figured out the problem.

    When I first was trying this out I made a local variable called "shot" with the missel.

    I then made a global variable called shot but did not delete the local variable.

    It works now plus I learned so additional skills.

    Thanks again.

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