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  • Nice! Seems to have a continuous oscillating rotation, however (and I ate to do this)....now the radius parameter seems to be stuck on one setting, no matter the value you input.

  • Ooooh, Okay, I'll continue tinkering. Thanks so much for the effect and your quick replies <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">.

    Also, who does that song in your demo? I like it.


    Possible bug? The X rotation seems to go on forever but once the Y rotation hits a certain value it stops rotating (I'd estimate Y rotation = 200)

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/zdmsaghiqx2iq ... .capx?dl=0

  • Thanks

    I'm tinkering now. I can get the stones to show up but I'm having trouble getting them to rotate. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the "speed" and rotation parameters? I've tried setting it to something like 100 speed and 100 x rotation but when I run it the stone doesn't rotate. Should I be setting up an action that changes the rotation parameter ever X seconds to get that effect?

  • >

    > > Wenutz

    > > ultrafop

    > >

    > > Yes this shader draw stones; this mean math calculation drop some fps, but running 60fps on my computer -ati gfxcard.

    > > ... however try and play with the released version, it's a bit faster now..

    > >


    > Hey there Gigatron


    > I tested it and the performance is definitely much better. However, if there are more than 9 or 10 stones on screen, my fps drops from 60 to somewhere around 49. I'm running it on a nvidia GTX 560 with an old i7 and 6 gigs of ram.



    For maximum speed on C2 side , try to make little sprite like 32*32 or 64*64 block and use scale on events.

    With this way you can show more stones on screen but with low quality.

    In this example i have removed, starfield, explosion fx , and reduced stone sprite to 8x8. Then

    if i use random scale like 0.1+random(0.5) .. it's working well.



    Hey thanks, that really helped. I still saw a bit of a slowdown at one point when a bunch of large ones randomly culminated but with some tweaking I'm sure it can be workable. Thanks for the time and the cool effect!

    The link for the download doesn't seem to be working for me though.

  • Wenutz


    Yes this shader draw stones; this mean math calculation drop some fps, but running 60fps on my computer -ati gfxcard.

    ... however try and play with the released version, it's a bit faster now..

    Hey there Gigatron

    I tested it and the performance is definitely much better. However, if there are more than 9 or 10 stones on screen, my fps drops from 60 to somewhere around 49. I'm running it on a nvidia GTX 560 with an old i7 and 6 gigs of ram.

  • Hey thanks.

  • PMing you

  • Hey all,

    So I ran into a a bit of a snag setting up some lighting. My health bar uses a destination atop blend, for stylistic reasons, and it's messing with my shadows. I think I need to perhaps, animate the bar and import it without any effects to avoid having the clash. Can anyone recommend anything? I hear toonz is opensource now, would that work for this? I'm pretty new to this kind of thing so any help is appreciated.

  • I'm thinking you could actually set the platforms themselves to spawn the traps. Maybe you could have each platform generate a number on start of layout and if that number falls into a certain range a certain kind of trap is spawned along the platforms lowest y value at a random X value.

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  • If I'm understanding you correctly, a sprite is "looking" at the mouse position? You could do something like, if mouse.y is less than sprite.y: set face up, if mouse.y is greater than sprite.y :set facedown.

  • Why not turn off avast while you compile the game?

  • I think this thread could be useful for you.

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Member since 26 Jul, 2015

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