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    Most people here who use & enjoy C2 are hobbyist, myself included. I will not pay a subscription fee for C3.

    My sentiments exactly.

  • >

    > > rexrainbow

    > >

    > > I've been tinkering with this effect and it's really cool! I'm having some trouble getting object positions to track accordingly. I'm using rex's behaviors but I'm using a tiled background for the object ground. Will that impact the way the perspective behavior works? I currently have grass (as the tiled background) and houses (as sprites) but I can't get my houses to appear anywhere after setting up the camera sprite to the ground behavior's camera and the houses perspective behavior to the grass's ground behavior parameters. In the sample capx it looks like 0,0 (on the X and Y parameters of the perspective behavior) is the upper left hand corner of the canvas but I don't see anything populating there when I test things out.

    > >

    > > EDIT: I've also tried setting the logic positions to the sprites current x/y positions, which could be a mistake (as I'm not so confident with all the math), but I thought it was worth a shot. I also don't see them when I try that out.

    > >

    > It's been a while since I've use this but doesn't the math have to be inverted, or something?


    Hey thanks for the response! I tried discontinuing use of the behaviors and just inserting the math from R0j0hound's mode7_obj capx (copied and pasted the variables and equations to make sure I didn't make a mistake). I tried it "as is" (thinking the placement would't match up but I'd at least see the objects on screen...which did not happen) as well as with the numbers 'm using for the mode7 in the variables provided but I'm stlll having issues. Now I can get the houses placed, but their size is so small they are effectively invisible - I only know they are there because of other objects in a container with the houses. After about 5-10 seconds the other objects simply disappear, which leads me to believe the objects are being transported elsewhere (though I don't know how this could be the case) - or possibly since the houses are invisible their size is constantly shrinking and the container objects can't be pinned to them anymore? Objects that have a m7x and m7y of 0 are also seen flying across the map until they exit the layout. Any help getting this to work would be greatly appreciated!! If nothing overtly comes to mind about similar problems I'll work on a sample capx to upload.


    https://www.dropbox.com/s/awpiq55c31zrj ... .capx?dl=0

  • > rexrainbow


    > I've been tinkering with this effect and it's really cool! I'm having some trouble getting object positions to track accordingly. I'm using rex's behaviors but I'm using a tiled background for the object ground. Will that impact the way the perspective behavior works? I currently have grass (as the tiled background) and houses (as sprites) but I can't get my houses to appear anywhere after setting up the camera sprite to the ground behavior's camera and the houses perspective behavior to the grass's ground behavior parameters. In the sample capx it looks like 0,0 (on the X and Y parameters of the perspective behavior) is the upper left hand corner of the canvas but I don't see anything populating there when I test things out.


    > EDIT: I've also tried setting the logic positions to the sprites current x/y positions, which could be a mistake (as I'm not so confident with all the math), but I thought it was worth a shot. I also don't see them when I try that out.


    It's been a while since I've use this but doesn't the math have to be inverted, or something?

    Hey thanks for the response! I tried discontinuing use of the behaviors and just inserting the math from R0j0hound's mode7_obj capx (copied and pasted the variables and equations to make sure I didn't make a mistake). I tried it "as is" (thinking the placement would't match up but I'd at least see the objects on screen...which did not happen) as well as with the numbers 'm using for the mode7 in the variables provided but I'm stlll having issues. Now I can get the houses placed, but their size is so small they are effectively invisible - I only know they are there because of other objects in a container with the houses. After about 5-10 seconds the other objects simply disappear, which leads me to believe the objects are being transported elsewhere (though I don't know how this could be the case) - or possibly since the houses are invisible their size is constantly shrinking and the container objects can't be pinned to them anymore? Objects that have a m7x and m7y of 0 are also seen flying across the map until they exit the layout. Any help getting this to work would be greatly appreciated!! If nothing overtly comes to mind about similar problems I'll work on a sample capx to upload.

  • rexrainbow

    I've been tinkering with this effect and it's really cool! I'm having some trouble getting object positions to track accordingly. I'm using rex's behaviors but I'm using a tiled background for the object ground. Will that impact the way the perspective behavior works? I currently have grass (as the tiled background) and houses (as sprites) but I can't get my houses to appear anywhere after setting up the camera sprite to the ground behavior's camera and the houses perspective behavior to the grass's ground behavior parameters. In the sample capx it looks like 0,0 (on the X and Y parameters of the perspective behavior) is the upper left hand corner of the canvas but I don't see anything populating there when I test things out.

    EDIT: I've also tried setting the logic positions to the sprites current x/y positions, which could be a mistake (as I'm not so confident with all the math), but I thought it was worth a shot. I also don't see them when I try that out.

  • hmm okay I'll try completely removing the driver and reinstalling from scratch and see if that works.Thanks for your time with this!

    EDIT: That didn't work either. I'm on a GTX 560, if that is at all helpful.

  • I had this issue when I was using nvidia. I still have this issue while using amd. My only work around is to turn off "force own texture" while working with those layers.

    Oddly, I don't have the issue with force own texture, so potentially that is a separate issue impacting AMD? Was that happening with the Nvidia card as well?

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  • Ashley Hey! Yeah, I have the newest Geforce driver. I'm wondering if this is an issue specific to Nvidia users? Unless I'm mistaken, everyone that's posted with this issue is using Nvidia products.

  • pleasure 4 sure. Hope to collect them all


  • Best of luck! If you come up with something that works better please let us know!

  • Congratulations! I just noticed it in there - can't wait to give it a try!

  • Hey. So, honestly, I think this might constitute a bug. I might consider submitting a report for it - my player sticks to the spinning platform and almost always gets pushed back on top without falling off. It's bizarre.

    I made a work around for you and added some comments. I hope its helpful at this point.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/qkf02ii5po5rp ... .capx?dl=0

    EDIT: Oh I just noticed it's your birthday. Happy birthday!

  • > Thanks for the reply but alas, even with the latest driver the problem persists.


    Install the construct 2 32bits (x86) version.

    I'm not sure what the actual advantage is of the x64 version but I'm going to stick with it. I went through the link to the original thread and that was really helpful, thanks! With preview effects off the editor seems to be working correctly. I'd like to know why the x64 architecture is involved though; I think that's pretty interesting.

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Member since 26 Jul, 2015

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