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  • Oh snap did I misunderstand this lol? MPPlantOfficial has a good solution

  • Hey there! This should be pretty easy to get done . Try this, While button (up for instance) is down, set platform vector Y to -80 (you may want to change that number, but make sure it's a negative number).

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  • I'd create a Function that fills an Array with all the values your looking at and then pick the highest value in the array.

  • Hey - Sounds like you've done some legwork with getting the shop set up but are having issues unlocking items (based on experience?) as well as updating what items the player has currently.

    I'd recommend using Local Storage and an Array for unlocking items (what's available in the store).

    I may be complicating things a bit, but I'd also have a separate array for items the player currently has, which should be updated/loaded with local storage as well.

    Here are some tutorials:

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/5343/h ... -game-capx

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/307/ar ... ers/page-2

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/583/ea ... g-an-array

  • Both are great! The second one you posted is tripping me out haha

  • > You can also check for an overlap at offset.


    > If player platform is overlapping jumpthru at, X=0 Y=4 (for instance) then (whatever action you're hoping for)


    Yup that works too but I was thinking if you create an invisible sprite to check overlap you could use it for many platforms that might be at different positions on the screen so no writing additional events to check overlap at offset.

    It is just something I use a lot in platformers and blank sprite triggers are very convenient.

    I get the feeling code will be necessary regardless. I suggested the overlap at offset to avoid collision checks. Whatever's clever though - if it doesn't impact performance for OP then it's moot.

  • You can also check for an overlap at offset.

    If player platform is overlapping jumpthru at, X=0 Y=4 (for instance) then (whatever action you're hoping for)

  • There are a few different ways to do these...

    1) For the textbook, depending on how you want text replaced, you may want to check out a dialog system tut:


    2) You can put your plays stats into an array. I'd recommend looking at how those work:

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/307/ar ... -beginners

    3) for a sum random you can use a function and set the first parameter to random(lower bound, upper bound) and use that to determine the success or failure. You can also set a variable on the instance itself, if that is more your style.

  • I'd think 32x32 or 32x64 would be fairly standard for your bounding boxes. You can scale things up ordain, but I recommend designing things bit larger than you need and scaling down than scaling them up, as image quality may degrade.

  • It's difficult because I'm not sure where these sprites are in motion or exactly what the setup is...assuming that they are static, I might try having an array that is filled with the UID's of the instances at the start of the layout, then use the a function to select the UID at loopindex (which I believe would be the array.at(x)-1) and pick object by function.param(whichever parameter has this array variable) and pick nearest where + (invert action) UID is equal to function.param. I habit had to try this myself, but this is my first thought about it. You could also just try adding that last bit, with the inverted action to what you have and see if that fixes it?

    So I've read the blog posts and this thread...

    Whether we announce the pricing sooner or later is really irrelevant if I don't know exactly what I'm paying for - and I don't really get why there hasn't just been a fancy video with a vibrant narrator showing this thing off. Maybe I'm just an advertising novice but giving out details of software over weeks feels unnecessary. I'm pretty excited about the idea of a browser mode and I want to feel more of that excitement. Also, I'm wondering if that could actually be a separate price-point. You want standalone, it costs $X one time; you want to use our servers and have cross platform login features, that costs Y yearly/monthly. Not sure exactly how that would work for Linux users (and maybe other platforms?) but I'm willing to bet if it was investigated it wouldn't be too difficult to figure it out, even if it remains a web application.

    I think it kind off sucks that we're (myself included) discussing a PR method instead of the software itself, which in my estimation means something went wrong.


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Member since 26 Jul, 2015

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