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    I would love to be able to have a collection of bare shapes (anything I could make in the editor or import) and just select images to pattern over the top. For me, the benefit would be being able to have nontraditionally shaped objects (i.e. not squares/triangles etc.) with textured patterns, which is something I'm doing now with lots of blending...which is cumbersome. I imagine it working similarly to a tiled background object, only maybe with frames you could select for the pattern. Perhaps it could even have parameters for whether or not you'd like the image to "warp" slightly around the edges of your object.


  • Hey,

    This is more of a question for the devs, but after reading the newest blog I found myself wondering: Will it be possible to assign objects textures in C3, rather than relying on blend modes and overlapping objects?

  • EDIT: I've decided to try another route with this before posting for help. If I really can't get it, I'll post again.

  • Sweet! Hopefully we get to see what you're working on

  • https://www.dropbox.com/home?preview=Yv ... entum.capx

    If this doesn't do the trick, PM me. lamar

    EDIT: Here is a version accounting for both X and Y vectors depending on platform speed. It's kind of like running around on the moon lol: https://www.dropbox.com/s/c19jqkqszp8lh ... .capx?dl=0 . Infinite jump is still enabled with key down so you can see it's independent of solid ground; you'll need to fuss with that I'm sure to take into account the vines you're swinging from (assuming this solution is adequate) or your platform will just keep moving in that direction until they're back on the ground (though adjusting the local variable I added, or even adding a separate one for the X vector can be pretty helpful in padding the mount of excess movement you get with the platform speed). My guess is that you already have some variable that determines whether the player is swinging or not so that will likely be enough to stop the excess movement altogether. I can think of other solutions that aren't vector based but I figured exhausting the idea might be helpful to someone at some point, if they're interested in using the platform behavior a bit differently.

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    I looked at the CAPX and it might work for the OP application but not for what I am doing and it does not simulate a real jump which goes forward not just up from a swinging vine. The speed the player is moving effects that jump which is missing in your example. I tried it with my game and player falls down instead of jumping because no forward momentum.

    Once that player is up you are just maintaining the vector but not simulating an actual jump with momentum. I may be able to tweak it by changing gravity and and hang time.

    Thanks though and maybe the OP will be able to use it. I will post my capx if I get it to work with what I am trying to do which is a Tarzan vine swinging style game.

    Not really actually. the player still moves along the X axis when using the Y vector jump in my example (X vector is never adjusted and the standard platform movement is used for left/right). If you'd like to discuss it more PM me since this thread looks like it's getting hijacked.

  • Hey Zebbi - how are you using the behavior, are you spawning objects with it or something? You should be able to point your car in any direction and have it move in that direction when accelerating.

  • Would you mind posting a capx?

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    > > you can set the double jump on in the platform settings but then the player needs to contact a platform before they can jump again.

    > >

    > > I have not found a way to continually jump using platform because of that and air jumping does not seem possible but of someone has figured it out I would be interested as well.

    > >


    > Actually the set Y vector idea I mentioned would work for infinite air jumping, you;d just need to set a timer for it to have intervals.


    > On button pressed, set Y Vector to negative (your value),

    > On button is down, every X seconds, set Y vector to negative (you value)


    Nope sorry- doesn't work with Platformer behavior. It will play an animation but is not a jump and the platformer has to contact a platform in order to perform another jump.

    BUT if you want to post a capx I will look at your solution.

    Here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/smtype3mr3ss5 ... .capx?dl=0

    Also OP, you'll probably want to take a look at the capx, assuming you're still having problems. I made an infinite floor jumping example, an infinite non-floor jumping example, a flying example, and a double-jump example that adjusts jump height based on whether you're keeping your jump key pressed.

  • you can set the double jump on in the platform settings but then the player needs to contact a platform before they can jump again.

    I have not found a way to continually jump using platform because of that and air jumping does not seem possible but of someone has figured it out I would be interested as well.

    Actually the set Y vector idea I mentioned would work for infinite air jumping, you;d just need to set a timer for it to have intervals.

    On button pressed, set Y Vector to negative (your value),

    On button is down, every X seconds, set Y vector to negative (you value)

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Member since 26 Jul, 2015

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