[Effect] mode7

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From the Asset Store
Wind effect
$2.49 USD
Animated wind effect for objects, grass, trees, etc.
  • Just had the bright idea of sorting instances in R0j0's mode7fx_objs capx with the new system z sort.

    Wanted to use the scale to sort, but we don't have an expression for it so I used the difference in height since scale should always be uniform to width.

    Works nice.

    Really need the formula for the camera to fx offset to do much else with it though.

    The math is crazy. It's not just backwards, it's backwards, and sideways. lol

  • Hey R0J0hound or anyone else who's been working with this effect, is there a good way to transition between mode7 angles like what's shown in this video?

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    I've been trying to brute-force the math for this for about a week without much luck, but I feel like the solution can't be too terribly complex?

  • The effect parameters could possibly be tweaked to do that but idk. It would probably be done by figuring out the perspective transform of it, then picking apart the math in the effect to see if they can be matched somehow.

    In the end I don't think this effect is actually useful for something like in that video or fzero/Mario cart type stuff. It's just too tedious to use.

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  • I've been having a lot of fun with this amazing effect!

    I've got a question. If I'm using the effect on an entire layer, is there a way to avoid having it repeat infinitely on the edges?

  • I've been having a lot of fun with this amazing effect!

    I've got a question. If I'm using the effect on an entire layer, is there a way to avoid having it repeat infinitely on the edges?

    Yes, there's an edit you can make to the file, I forgot where exactly, r0j0 does mention this in the topic somewhere, and I think you have to hack it by duplicating the X and Y code redundantly and setting one of the X's off/Y's on and on the other setting the X on and the Y off. Hang on, I might have the file...

  • Zebbi I appreciate that, but it did not solve it. I think I'm actually already using the edited file. I think I used it to stop repeat on another project with no horizon, but this one has a horizon, and just above the horizon, I can see the layer repeating.. There is some distance between, maybe I just need to tweak the settings some more...

  • Zebbi I appreciate that, but it did not solve it. I think I'm actually already using the edited file. I think I used it to stop repeat on another project with no horizon, but this one has a horizon, and just above the horizon, I can see the layer repeating.. There is some distance between, maybe I just need to tweak the settings some more...

    Yes, there is a quite a lot of tweak to get things to align just right, if I recall.

  • I do not know exactly how this effect works.

    I activated the effect on a layer and I can not configure it to simply generate a subtle perspective view, like a MODE 7 from Final Fantasy III. Can someone help me?

  • rexrainbow

    I've been tinkering with this effect and it's really cool! I'm having some trouble getting object positions to track accordingly. I'm using rex's behaviors but I'm using a tiled background for the object ground. Will that impact the way the perspective behavior works? I currently have grass (as the tiled background) and houses (as sprites) but I can't get my houses to appear anywhere after setting up the camera sprite to the ground behavior's camera and the houses perspective behavior to the grass's ground behavior parameters. In the sample capx it looks like 0,0 (on the X and Y parameters of the perspective behavior) is the upper left hand corner of the canvas but I don't see anything populating there when I test things out.

    EDIT: I've also tried setting the logic positions to the sprites current x/y positions, which could be a mistake (as I'm not so confident with all the math), but I thought it was worth a shot. I also don't see them when I try that out.

  • rexrainbow

    I've been tinkering with this effect and it's really cool! I'm having some trouble getting object positions to track accordingly. I'm using rex's behaviors but I'm using a tiled background for the object ground. Will that impact the way the perspective behavior works? I currently have grass (as the tiled background) and houses (as sprites) but I can't get my houses to appear anywhere after setting up the camera sprite to the ground behavior's camera and the houses perspective behavior to the grass's ground behavior parameters. In the sample capx it looks like 0,0 (on the X and Y parameters of the perspective behavior) is the upper left hand corner of the canvas but I don't see anything populating there when I test things out.

    EDIT: I've also tried setting the logic positions to the sprites current x/y positions, which could be a mistake (as I'm not so confident with all the math), but I thought it was worth a shot. I also don't see them when I try that out.

    It's been a while since I've use this but doesn't the math have to be inverted, or something?

  • > rexrainbow


    > I've been tinkering with this effect and it's really cool! I'm having some trouble getting object positions to track accordingly. I'm using rex's behaviors but I'm using a tiled background for the object ground. Will that impact the way the perspective behavior works? I currently have grass (as the tiled background) and houses (as sprites) but I can't get my houses to appear anywhere after setting up the camera sprite to the ground behavior's camera and the houses perspective behavior to the grass's ground behavior parameters. In the sample capx it looks like 0,0 (on the X and Y parameters of the perspective behavior) is the upper left hand corner of the canvas but I don't see anything populating there when I test things out.


    > EDIT: I've also tried setting the logic positions to the sprites current x/y positions, which could be a mistake (as I'm not so confident with all the math), but I thought it was worth a shot. I also don't see them when I try that out.


    It's been a while since I've use this but doesn't the math have to be inverted, or something?

    Hey thanks for the response! I tried discontinuing use of the behaviors and just inserting the math from R0j0hound's mode7_obj capx (copied and pasted the variables and equations to make sure I didn't make a mistake). I tried it "as is" (thinking the placement would't match up but I'd at least see the objects on screen...which did not happen) as well as with the numbers 'm using for the mode7 in the variables provided but I'm stlll having issues. Now I can get the houses placed, but their size is so small they are effectively invisible - I only know they are there because of other objects in a container with the houses. After about 5-10 seconds the other objects simply disappear, which leads me to believe the objects are being transported elsewhere (though I don't know how this could be the case) - or possibly since the houses are invisible their size is constantly shrinking and the container objects can't be pinned to them anymore? Objects that have a m7x and m7y of 0 are also seen flying across the map until they exit the layout. Any help getting this to work would be greatly appreciated!! If nothing overtly comes to mind about similar problems I'll work on a sample capx to upload.

  • >

    > > rexrainbow

    > >

    > > I've been tinkering with this effect and it's really cool! I'm having some trouble getting object positions to track accordingly. I'm using rex's behaviors but I'm using a tiled background for the object ground. Will that impact the way the perspective behavior works? I currently have grass (as the tiled background) and houses (as sprites) but I can't get my houses to appear anywhere after setting up the camera sprite to the ground behavior's camera and the houses perspective behavior to the grass's ground behavior parameters. In the sample capx it looks like 0,0 (on the X and Y parameters of the perspective behavior) is the upper left hand corner of the canvas but I don't see anything populating there when I test things out.

    > >

    > > EDIT: I've also tried setting the logic positions to the sprites current x/y positions, which could be a mistake (as I'm not so confident with all the math), but I thought it was worth a shot. I also don't see them when I try that out.

    > >

    > It's been a while since I've use this but doesn't the math have to be inverted, or something?


    Hey thanks for the response! I tried discontinuing use of the behaviors and just inserting the math from R0j0hound's mode7_obj capx (copied and pasted the variables and equations to make sure I didn't make a mistake). I tried it "as is" (thinking the placement would't match up but I'd at least see the objects on screen...which did not happen) as well as with the numbers 'm using for the mode7 in the variables provided but I'm stlll having issues. Now I can get the houses placed, but their size is so small they are effectively invisible - I only know they are there because of other objects in a container with the houses. After about 5-10 seconds the other objects simply disappear, which leads me to believe the objects are being transported elsewhere (though I don't know how this could be the case) - or possibly since the houses are invisible their size is constantly shrinking and the container objects can't be pinned to them anymore? Objects that have a m7x and m7y of 0 are also seen flying across the map until they exit the layout. Any help getting this to work would be greatly appreciated!! If nothing overtly comes to mind about similar problems I'll work on a sample capx to upload.


    https://www.dropbox.com/s/awpiq55c31zrj ... .capx?dl=0

  • Hi.

    broken link



    Can you make them available?


  • updated links

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