Hey all,
I just bought a wired Xbox 360 controller to try out with the Gamepad object. It works very well however I've run into a very interesting issue.
I'm trying to get it working together with the platform behavior. The platform behavior is designed for keyboard / binary input - completely stopped or running as fast as possible. This presents some natural difficulties when adding a gamepad controller - of course, it's trivial to just set a threshold and turn the analog stick's proportional input into a binary input - however one sacrifices the fine-grained control that analog sticks provide.
My first thought was to simply set the platformer's max speed to some factor of the analog stick's x-axis. This works well for the most part, however it completely breaks deceleration - releasing the analog stick brings the player to a jarring halt in mid-air as the max speed resets to zero.
Does anyone have any ideas about fixing this?