What is a good way to learn about how these terms, understand them, know how to apply them, know what the limits are? I am referring to, I think, the variable multipliers and event modifiers of ACTIONS, the ones in parentheses within ACTIONS.
Below are not complete copies of an event, just certain examples (the ones following -> of course) have been pulled, and some have been copied from forums as they look complicated enough for me to use for these examples:
+ System: Else
-> System: Set global variable 'currentfile' to 1
-> XAudio2: Load file AppPath & "music\" & filenames (global('currentfile')) to channel 1 (No loop)
-> tCurrent: Set text to filenames (global('currentfile'))
+ System: Every 100 milliseconds
-> System: Create object Star_blue on layer 1 at (random(640), 0)
-> Star_blue: Set opacity to random(100)
-> Star_blue: Set height to random(3)
-> Star_blue: Set width to random(3)
-> Star_blue: Set speed to (Star_blue.Height)*50
+ System: Every 1500 milliseconds
-> BossMovePoint: Set position to Hero.X+random(20)-10, 100
+ bullet: On collision between bullet and bad_guy
-> System: Create object boom on layer 1 at (bad_guy.X, bad_guy.Y)
+ MouseKeyboard: On Left mouse button Clicked
-> Spriter: Load Character "char 1" from file apppath&"hero_new_008.SPRTR"
And almost everything in the Construct 2 version of �Ghost Shooter� are another great collection of example. I am unable to copy the EVENTS as text, but if you have any version of Construct 2, you can check out the link to the Ghost demo and see what I mean.
So, how does someone figure these bits out? Hints or tips? Basic physics knowledge? General scripting? Practice, but how does one know where to start? Know what I mean? Hope I am not making it more complicated than it all really is.
Thanks for any input about this.