Hello, guys!
My name is Humberto, I'm from Chile, and I discovered Construct some months ago.
I've allways trying to make a game, and I've tried different programs, but it's allways a lot of effort.
But this wonderful piece of software makes things so easy that when I started trying it out, I couldn't stop pushing forward.
As a result, I came up with this game, still in progress, but going very well.
Retro style, but taking some liberties if I see fit.
I hope to put a demo soon.
To the Construct Dev team: You guys rock!
the game is basically an action platformer.
The player is a guy with a lance capable of replicate the shots of the enemies.
there are three enemies at the moment, but they need some work on their behaviors. I'll add two or three more.
Mechanics implemented: powerups, shield, hiding ability, walljump, elevators, and some more to come...